Carnivale of Couture #12
Manolo says, the Carnivale of the Couture #12 it is now available for your fashion reading pleasure at the Kiss Me, Stace.
Manolo says, the Carnivale of the Couture #12 it is now available for your fashion reading pleasure at the Kiss Me, Stace.
Manolo says, from the American Digest comes news of the retrospective of one of the hottest fashion trends of the last half of the century…Toaster Helmets!
A magnificent fashion show recreates the colourful history of the toasterhelmet on the catwalk, starting with the early experimental and functional helmets, going through the extravagant models of the 60s and ending with the well known designhelmets of the past decade. As a special feature young and promising designers show their latest creations. Not to be missed for fashionwatchers and others who want to meet the trend for this summer!
Manolo says, here is one of the happiest pieces of the news the Manolo has heard in many months.
Manolo says, here are the few things that may perhaps make you laugh.
“I found those suits annoyed people,” he said. “For some reason, I enjoyed that.”
“Ich am nat oon to tooten myne owen horne, but todaye ich wolde asken yow to declaymen my tales.”
Manolo say, the most recent column of the Manolo for the Express of the Washington Post it is now available for the downloading.
It is in the City of the Washington, time for the festival of the Cherry Blossoms
Dear Manolo,
It’s time for the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, can you reccommend something appropriate?
Three of the four seasons of the Washington, they must be endured rather than enjoyed. The winter, it is drab and too often cold. The fall may be pleasant physically, but every other autumn brings with it the spiritual torture of the political campaigns. And summer, ayyyyyyy! Summer, it is in Washington the sticky hot death, with the side orders of the mosquitos.
But spring in the District it is the glorious season of light, and renewal, and happiness. It is the season of the cherry blossoms!
And so to celebrate this most wonderful time of the year, you must to the wind throw the inhibitions, and wear the super fantastically fun shoes, shoes of frivolousness and happiness, shoes that are girlish and colorful, and make you want to dance on the sidewalks.
Thus the Manolo he would recommend to you the 263627 from the Kenzo, as being suitable for the celebrations of the spring. The Takada Kenzo, he is Japanese, like the Cherry Blossom trees, and these shoes they have the cherry color, and the little flower detail, and they are the wedges, which as the many reader friends of the Manolo know, are indeed the most vernal of all the shoes.
Manolo says, the next Carnivale of the Couture it will be held at the Designer Ella’s fabulous Kiss Me, Stace blog. The topic it is the good one.
My question is
What is your fashion confession, either a long ago faux pas, or today’s guilty pleasure?
Do be revealing and as descriptive and imagery as you feel free to. Perhaps you may blame your issue on a celebrity’s influence. Just be honest and telling!
So, go to the Kiss Me, Stace and send the Ella your deepest fashion secrets.
Manolo says, it is again time for the Russian Fashion Week, words that should strike fear into the heart of the right-thinking peoples everywhere.
Mostly when the Manolo thinks of the fashion from the the Russia he thinks of this…
The artificially inflated Russian mafia gun molls wearing the bling-bling decollete of dubious taste.
The Manolo he does not think of this…
…or this…
Even the Manolo, normally the person of facility with the words, he is at the loss to describe, although perhaps the deranged, post-modern hobbit comes the closest.
Likewise, the Manolo can simply note that these bizarre cloth appendages, they are some sort of the trend in the fashions of Russia, for the example, look at this Russian collection from the last fall.
Manolo says, here you see the very attractive D’Orsay pump from the Sigerson Morrison. And look! This it must be your lucky day, for this shoe it is selling at nearly 50% off of the usual price. The savings of nearly $200 of the American Dollars!
Manolo says, The Manolo he is cheating with this miscellany, as all of the links are to the Manolo’s own humble blogs, but what can the Manolo do, funny is funny.
Mayor McCheese, the College Years