The Next Carnivale of the Couture
Manolo says, the topic for the next Carnivale of the Couture, it has been posted at the Blog of the Style Bard, who asks us to consider…
In what clothes and accessories would you like to be buried?
This it is the marvelous topic!
Because the Manolo he would wish to appear in his best for all of the eternity, he thus hopes to be buried in his favorite wool, dark grey, single-breasted bespoke suit, the fine white shirt with the heavenly blue Hermes tie windsor knotted at the neck, and with his finest John Lobb shoes upon his now lifeless feets.
The peaceful corpse, beautifully dressed.
Lizzie 19 years ago
Don’t hate me for this, as I know it’s definitely not superfantastic, but: cute comfy pajamas and no makeup. (I don’t care if I’m hideously disfigured in a car crash or similar, I just don’t want to be buried in makeup.)
furlagirl 19 years ago
I’m afraid my minimalist side comes out. The traditional plain pine coffin with rope handles and the linen shroud. Preferably in a hot dry climate so I turn slowly to dust.
Lisa 19 years ago
A lovely pegnoir set with nothing on my feet. I’m dead, not going dancing. I want to look forever asleep as I’m, um, asleep forever.
Talmida 19 years ago
Oh no! To take such beautiful clothing and put it in a box in the ground where it will never be seen? Not nice, Manolo. Wear that lovely ensemble to any funeral but your own.
I’m with furlagirl — stick with the linen shroud (although I would expect Manolo’s shroud to be the finest Irish linen…).
Reciprocity 19 years ago
I plan on being cremated, but hope rather that my family instead would choose to wear THEIR most super-fantastic clothes and accessories to the after-party celebrating my time on earth, rather than feeling depressed.
JuliaR 19 years ago
I agree with previous posters. Wear the great clothes you love for the viewing but then have someone take them off and give them away to someone who will apprciate them as much as you did. They might not want to mention that a dead person was wearing them, however.
Don S 19 years ago
The Don is torn between the Pure Evil Look
and the look of the ‘Freaky Fashion Troll’
He also wants a proximity-activated recording – something like ‘Hi, how are you? Sorry I’m not feeling so hot. Well, nice to see you!’
pbird 19 years ago
I was one of two friends choosing the outfit for a cranky old lady friend who had just died in our arms so to speak. It was weirdly funny. She wore nothing but pants, but we found her a dress and accoutreme, and when I picked a “comfy” bra my friend who was helping lost it laughing. We know she would have appreciated the joke. We were always trying to get her to wear a dress once in a while.
velma 19 years ago
I plan to be cremated, however my ashes are to be placed in my favorite shoe box[witht he shoes]. currently a toss up between the roseberry shaded snake and the grey/white vero cucio
La Gémelle 19 years ago
The grand-mère of La Gémelle, she specified in her will that she be buried in her pantsuit in the linen of pale pink. With earrings. And makeup. Hair and fingertips done. All matching.
In her final appearance, at the age of 86 years, Grand-mère, she was ravishing.
La BellaDonna 19 years ago
Ah! La BellaDonna, she plans to be buried in the dress she made when she was all of the 16 years of age. It is of the very fitted black velvet, with black fur at the wide boat neck, and black fur around the 20-foot hem, and sweeping sleeves lined with red satin (the gown style, it is circa 1475, for the curious). She will wear the black leather poulaines, and the silver belt of the many small placques with the six-petalled roses, and she will wear her waist-length black hair loose. She will also have the full face of makeup, with the instructions to NOT let the mortician make her look “natural,” for then no one would recognize the corpse.
La BellaDonna, she is also considering wearing her custom fangs to be buried in, for the amusement value, if she should be dug up many years hence by the curious archaeologist. She may be dead, but she still has the sense of humour.
La BellaDonna, she supports the Manolo in his elegant choice, and consoles the Talmida with the thought that future generations may indeed have a chance to appreciate the Manolo’s magnificence and taste. La BellaDonna, she is very much obliged to the lovely and respected Eleanor of Toledo for being buried in her magnificent gown, which can be appreciated, not only in the paintings of her, but in the depictions in the book of the Janet Arnold. The costume historians, they are very much beholden to the ancestors who have chosen to depart in style.
Kathleen Fasanella 19 years ago
Not to be a party pooper but one is shoeless when buried. They won’t bury you with shoes on. It has something to do with the glues/chemicals used in shoe making and the potentiality of exploding coffins and/or noxious gases.
La BellaDonna 19 years ago
La BellaDonna, she wishes to reassure those persons who are horrified at the thought of eternity without their favorite shoes. The below, it was extracted from the above link, which has the many interesting tidbits relating to the burial practices:
9.04006: Why don’t they put shoes on a person in the casket?
Generally, it is often necessary to wiggle one’s foot to put on a shoe, which, of course, is not possible. If you bring shoes in to a funeral home and ask that they be put on a person, most funeral homes will do their best to accommodate you. This also may actually be an old tradition that relates to faith and historical traditions.
Apparently the funeral industry is unaware of the possibility that the shoes may make the coffins explode.
La BellaDonna, she does not discount the possibility that the feets, they may emit the noxious gases, whether the owners thereof are alive or dead, but said gases are not explosive.
Kathleen Fasanella 19 years ago
on a related topic, I’m hosting the carnivale of couture on fashion incubator next week. Manolo is busy and hasn’t announced it yet. The topic entry is here: