Manolo says, Ayyyyyyyyyy! The Manolo he is most emphatically not the Baubé
Has anyone received the Fall “Book” from Neiman Marcus? There is a cosmetics insert with a cartoonish hairstylist/makeup artist character by the name of Baubè in it. And Baubè “speaks” eerily like our beloved Manolo.
And if The Manolo has the gig writing the parlance and the patois for this Baubè character, “bravo,” I say.
It’s pretty cute, it’s funny, it’s well-illustrated and I hope it pays buckets of dough.
If he doesn’t have the gig, and I kind of think not (he’s more erudite than this Baubè character could ever hope to be), he’s being ripped-off. It’s a pretty egregious and blatant rip and for a few moments there I was thinking of suggesting he lawyer-up.
But WWTMD? What Would The Manolo Do?
But, the beautiful and funny Susanna the Bling Blogger, she already knows the exactly correct answer to what the Manolo would do.
He would laugh. He would be flattered. He would saunter respectfully past the offerings of Baubè for the super-fantastic shoe selections at Neiman Marcus. He would go to Giorgio for dinner. And so it would be.
There are many who in the past have attempted to imitate the Manolo. Mostly, the Manolo he has regarded these imitations as the amusing, if sometimes poorly executed, form of the flattery, to be enjoyed as such.
This it is how the Manolo regards this Baubé
Although, it must be pointed out that, for many reasons, this fictional Baubé he cannot be the Manolo, as the Manolo he does not have the tattoos; would never wear the tail of the pony on his head; has the much better command of the language and the style; and of the course, would never appear in the public barefeeted!
Ultimately, Baubé he is simply one more homage to the wit of the Manolo.
Verity Kindle 19 years ago
As always, Manolo handles the situation with style and dignity, instead of descending to the level of the bourgeois plagarists. Good for you.
Phyllis 19 years ago
I hope we never discover the true identity of the Manolo – that would ruin a really good thing.
ronikins 19 years ago
Dearest Manolo…Of course this Baubè personage is not you….You’d never execute your own pedicure, nor allow the world to think you do. I see you with one Asian beauty per toe, and you with English cucumber slices on your eyes during the treatment.
Dora Long 19 years ago
The Manolo, as with all things classic and of true elegance, may be copied, but never ever duplicated.
The Manolo with the tail of the pony on his perfectly groomed head and feets not in the shoes of the John Lobb? .. As the young ones say these days “As if!”
furlagirl 19 years ago
Tattoos?! The idea never entered my head. Good god, NO.
(certain events in the news, Manolo, have engaged my working hours for the past few days but I will be on to that other matter later this week)
Fausta 19 years ago
the Baubé = the bobo
G 19 years ago
Ah, the Baube, he is not the Manolo! And why do I know that? Well, Manolo would NEVER have such weird feet.
Nor would he be a cartoon.
{musings}I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but the Manolo, he’s extended to Ireland! Hello Manolo, from the Ireland! {musing over}
la_depressionada 19 years ago
i don’t think it really sounds like your voice at all, but i’m sensitive that way.
e 19 years ago
Baube comes across as quite fey (and only a meager facsimile of Manolo), whereas Manolo just plain comes across–with words, imagery and humor. Manolo has it all.
Nabushi 19 years ago
When I try put an image to the blog personality, it’s very vague, but … it’s like the Manolo could be Poirot’s grand nephew. Or something. (Poirot as played by David Suchet, of course.) So, in my head, I see Poirot, but “of the course” he is from a different time. However that seems like one of the general directions the Manolo is coming from.
Baube is creepy – not at all what I would imagine the Manolo to be like.
Miachelle 19 years ago
Hmmm….that cliche about flattery being the best complement comes to mind…
Zarba 19 years ago
As was said in a popular book, The Buabe is not fit to tie the sandals of The Manolo.
And as The Manolo himself has said, the tail of the pony and the tattoo are SOO Last Year.
tree hugging sister 19 years ago
Susanna, we adore. She is as smart as she is beautiful and funny.
(Wait. Maybe we hate her…she is also much thinner then ourself…)
Manolo (Man of Mystery and may he always remain so.), we adore. And we stare in stupified amazement that one would have the temerity to attempt an impersonation of such wretched execution.
Pooh and sniff.
Bryan 19 years ago
Manolo is really Dick Cheney’s alter ego. Shh, don’t tell anyone. It’s kind of a Batman/Bruce Wayne kind of thing.
VeddyVeddyBadAng 19 years ago
This Baube is nothing like the Manolo. Doesn’t he sound somewhat French, as opposed to Italian?
G 19 years ago
Yes, Poirot’s nephew. Except he is, of course, wearing an Armani suit. He does not have the silly mustache, and his isn’t quite so egg-ish.
And he has much better shoes.
raincoaster 19 years ago
The Manolo would NEVER confuse or abuse his accent grave like that! You can see by his posts that the Manolo knows his way around an aigu or two.
Rod 19 years ago
What is all this about the Manolo’s true identity? The Manolo is the true identity. Like Superman.