The Carnivale of the Couture #24
Manolo says, the Kathleen at the Fashion Incubator she has posted several lengthy and quite impressive pieces connected with the latest Carnivale of the Couture. If you are at all interested in the creative process and how the aspect of technical complexity figures into the production of the pieces of fashion, you must go now to her site and scroll down to read all of these interesting items.
P.S. Because of the Manolo’s very busy schedule of travelling the Manolo has decided to temporarily put the Carnivale of the Couture on the hiatus, until the first week of the September. (Although, if the volunteer would like to relieve the Manolo of this duty during this period…)
Designer Ella 19 years ago
I would hate to see no Carnivale for over a month. And I think I am quite able to take over duties, since it is break from school in that period. I would like to offer to do it.
I was just coming here to merely ask if there’s a rule about two blogs owned/run by the same person both hosting Carnivales. I have a great idea for Pursed Lips (a handbag blog) by Mallory and myself:
Now I’m even gladder I came (although getting the answer was enough).
AskMom 19 years ago
AskMom would be honored to assist the Ella, if she needs help. Although AskMom is severely impaired as to the fashion, she is technologically adept and willing to do her bit to make sure the carnivales carry on.
Designer Ella 19 years ago
Sounds great, Ask Mom. Aww, do you have no blog?
Designer Ella 19 years ago
Ask Mom, I could use some help, since I have sudden personal issues. I couldn’t contact you before, but please contact me at designer ella at gmail dot com. :-)