Shoe Patents!

Manolo says, two of the Manolo’s internet friends, the Susan and the Nina, sent the Manolo the link to the most remarkable thing, the notice of the new exhibit at the museum at the United States. Patent and Trademark Office. A new exhibit opened on July 13, 2006 in the Department of Commerce’s U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Museum. “Shoes: Innovations at Your Feet” highlights shoe technology past and present. Visitors to the museum can learn the history of patented footwear, view stylish innovations, and see how people customize their shoes for work. The exhibit is an entertaining view…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, the latest column of the Manolo it is now available at the website of the Express of the Washington Post. The topic, it is the tribulations of the congressional aide. Dear Manolo, I’m an aide to a member of the House of Representatives and my job requires that I do lots of walking up and down the corridors of the Capitol. As you would imagine, I’m not very well paid, but I still need professional looking shoes. Please help me. Miranda Manolo says, the Manolo he can think of few jobs more demanding and less appreciated than to…