Project Runway 3, Week 7
Manolo says, this episode of the Project Runway, it had it all: the anger, the tears, the ladies of the certain size, the Micheal Kors and the mother of the Michael Kors in the Mommy-and-Me outfits!
Ayyyyyyyy! Such fun!
First, allow the Manolo to say, adieu, sweet Barbie Prince Bob. Yes, everything you made looked as if it was something you had just purchased down at the Ross Dress for Less, but you were still the nice guy and you had the big gym-made biceps.
Second, allow the Manolo to congratulate the crazy Vincent for designing what was the superior outfit of the evening. Even the better, Vincent turned out to be the mensch, the person who knew when it was appropriate to apologize and was not afraid to tell someone so. Yes, he is wound three turns too tight, but he is not the bad person.
Speaking of the bad person, the Manolo cannot help but think that the Jeffrey must have been the much more pleasant person as the junkie. Indeed, slumped against the wall in the heroin stupor would be infinately superior to the rude, angry, aggressive, petulant child he is sober.
And here the Manolo he is risking much scorn and anger from the recovering-addict-American community, but what can he do, there are those people who would simply be better company stoned.
The Jeffrey he does have the sympathy of the Manolo, as he is undoubtedly tormented in ways we cannot know, but this it is not the excuse for being abusive to someone’s mama.
As for the rest of this episode, the Manolo loved the mothers, this was the wonderful, stupdenous idea from the producers. Here, the Manolo thought, was the chance for these aspiring designers to dress the real, everyday woman in all of her glory. Brilliant!
There are few things that test the true ability of the designer than having to dress the woman who is not the skinny teenager with the protruding hip bones and the stick legs. Just ask Alison from the last week’s challenge.
The Manolo thought that the outfits produced by Michael and Uli were quite good, and that the Kayne did much better than the judges gave him credit for. Laura’s outfit made the Manolo think of something the executive secretary of the certain age would wear to the office, definitely not something to be worn on the cruise. As for the Jeffrey’s and Angela’s…ayyyyyyyy! Only in the mind of the Angela could the shaky-shaky fringe = Audrey Hepburn.
Finally, the Manolo loves, loves, loves the Joan Kors.
This woman she needs her own show on the Bravo Network: The Joan Kors Koffee Klatch. Just Joan sitting around drinking the coffee, chain smoking the Lucky Strikes, discussing whatever happens to be in her mind at that moment with whatever guest happens to drop by. The Manolo would definitely watch that.
P.S. The super fantastic Laura K. of the super fantastic Blogging the Project Runway, reminds the Manolo that this latest challenge, like at least two of the previous challenges, was first suggested and discussed by the very canny readers of the Blogging the Project Runway, long before the producers ever “thought” of them.
For the past several months the Manolo has considered the Blogging the Project Runway to be the single most important resource on the internets for the Project Runway television show, indeed, it is far more important and informative than the filled with fluff and nonsense website of the Bravo. (The Manolo only goes to the Bravo site to hear the Tim Gunn’s podcasts.)
If you love the Project Runway you should be reading the Blogging the Project Runway.
alimum 18 years ago
Last night, it became obvious why Angela is the way she is; all you need to do is look at the behavior of the mother. Passive aggressive? check. Whiny? check. A tendency to blow everything out of proportion and then cry as a means of gaining sympathy while making one’s self the center of attention? check. There was a reason no one picked her and Jeffrey was stuck with her. She was a nightmare and Jeffrey had my sympathy. Until I saw his dress. Then, well, sympathy can only go so far. What planet is he on to think that is acceptable for a woman of a certain size?
Kate 18 years ago
Manolo, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Kayne did a pretty good job. I loved the peach color — very flattering for Michael’s mom’s complexion. As for Vincent’s dress, well, he needs to remember it’s not 1972 when designing collars. Uli should have won.
tbone 18 years ago
I could think of no finer guest for the Jaon Kors Koffee Klatcch than the Manoo himself. With just a shot of the shoes, of course.
Dora Long 18 years ago
The Dora, she would sooooo LOVE to go out for martinis with the Joan Kors and the mother of the Laura!!! The mind reels!!
That said, the mamma of the Jeffrey really needed to take that boy out back and knock some sense into him… at least had my child behaved that way (on national TV or not) there would have been some serious reckoning with the Mamma after such a display of poor behaviour! But then again, no child of mine would dare do so….
But it was very sweet to see the sisters and the mothers with the designers. Did give a bit of insight into some of the designers and the paths they have taken. Also nice to see the Vincent’s new medications seem to perhaps be working for him..
Norma Desmond 18 years ago
The Manolo is perfectly right, and no sane recovering peoples would deny it: the saying in A.A. is, “If you’re an alcoholic, and you take away the alcohol, all you have left is the ick.” Heroin addiction may be chicer, but it is equally icky in its effects on the personalities of the fabulous yet strung-out young hipsters. That is why they have the programs for the peoples who are trying not to do the drugs and the drinking, so they don’t go around being all icky all over the place.
Laura K 18 years ago
All the mothers and sisters were great, but Joan Kors was awesome. I nominate Joan Kors as the guest judge whenever Michael can’t be there.
Nancy Friedman 18 years ago
I agree that Vincent’s design was beautiful, but let’s be honest: Uli’s mother was one of only two women in the group whose proportions approximated a model’s. (The other was Robert’s sister.) She’s slim and toned–who *wouldn’t* have designed a great outfit for her? I think this challenge should have been judged like an Olympic ice-skating competition: skill plus artistic impression times degree of difficulty. Alternatively, *all* the models should have been plus-size.
JS 18 years ago
alimum–I disagree that Angela’s mom was whiny, passive-agressive, blew things out of proportion or cried solely to get sympathy. But even if every single thing you accuse her of is true, that’s STILL no excuse for the way Jeffery behaved.
He was horrendous, and I can’t believe he behaved like that in front of his own mother, let alone all the cameras. If my mom ever saw me behave like that, she’d knock my ass into next week, and she’d be right to do it.
Joan 18 years ago
Jeffrey’s immature behavior is a hallmark of recovering addicts. It seems as if their maturation process stopped at the point they got into drugs/alcohol/whatever, and they’re permanently stuck in adolescence, until they get therapy’d out of it.
I wish Jeffrey well, but I’m glad I don’t have to deal with him personally. Both he and Angela get the petulance awards, always falling back on the “I was just being honest” excuse for their rudeness and general insensitivity. Clue: you can be honest without being a jerk. Wait, maybe they can’t be.
I think Uli should have won, and I loved Kayne’s outfit for Michael’s mom, and it was clear that she did, too. I regret to say that I can’t see what the raves for Vincent’s dress for Uli’s mom are all about. It did not look well-fitted to me, and that belt looked like it was suffocating her. It did not even look well-made, especially from the back, the seam was all wrinkly — was it supposed to be like that, was that ruching? I give up!
Eric3000 18 years ago
Thanks for your enthusiastic support of the Blogging Project Runway and the fabulous Laura K. She and the rest of the BPR team really do a good job and we fans would be lost without them!
Zoe Lea 18 years ago
I agree with Joan…. Uli’s mom’s dress by Vincent was NOT something she might have bought for yourself, while Kayne’s mom would have bought that pretty ensemble by Uli for sure.
Also: If part of the challenge was catering to the tastes of one’s client, Jeffrey should be gone. Not only did he ignore her wishes, he made her look like crap, and had her weeping, as well! Robert’s dress may have been boring, but there were no salty tears on it!
Jenzilla 18 years ago
What a surprise that Jeffery’s mom turned out to be a complete enabler, apologizing for him and attempting to justify his assholeishness with excuses about how much stress he’s under. Where are you Angela-haters seeing all this supposed jerky behavior by her? I don’t recall ever seeing her bitch and snipe at others or behind anyone’s back like so many of the other designers do regularly. I must agree that I don’t care for her designs, but at least she behaves like a decent human being.
Lorraine 18 years ago
I don’t think Angela’s mom was passive-agressive or whiny. She didn’t like what Jeffrey made. Possibly because it was crap. It looked like a robe for a professor at Hogwarts. Ridiculous. And it seemed pretty obvious to me that some of his personal problems are, just possibly, rooted in the fact that his mother is the classic enabler. He was rude and disrespectful to someone and all she can do is make excuses to Angela’s mom and then hug him and say it’s going to be alright. What a fracking baby. Not only was his design HORRIBLE but he is a meanspirited poop head. Give me boring Robert for one more week over that jerk any day. Alas, the PR producers have an affection for the self-important jackass.
Miss Janey 18 years ago
The overflow of emotions from all the contestants upon seeing their family: wonderful.
Seeing the families from where the contestants sprang: enlightening.
The look of TERROR most expressed at having to design for large women: PRICELESS.
Were Miss Janey in Angela’s shoes, and witnessed such maltreatment of Mama Janey, she’d have taken her shears to Jeffrey’s tattooed jugular.
angelhair 18 years ago
Jeffrey is the ugliest person I’ve encountered (in real life or virtual reality) in a long time. Yes, his physical appearance (the aggressively hideous tattoos, the one askew eyebrow, his shorty, stubby, inelegant body) is off-putting but the real ugliness shines through from within. He is a misogynist, a selfish jerk, an all-around creep who appears to have no self-awareness or insight into, well, anything. I suppose he does have an esthetic, but the only person I can imagine that “esthetic” appealing to is some very disturbed girl who cuts herself. That thing he made for Angela’s mother was a disgrace as was the way he treated her. Perhaps she was annoying but as far as I could tell she did absolutely nothing to warrant the way he treated her. I suppose he’s the designated villain since every reality show must have one, but he’s not even a very good villain. He’s not witty or clever or manipulative enough to be entertaining – he’s just mean and boring. Please get rid of this creature soonest. He should have been gone long ago.
And I completely agree with the comments that his mom appeared to be a classic enabler. Maybe if she’d set some limits, done a better job of parenting or kicked his ass to the curb when he became a junkie/alcoholic she wouldn’t have found herself in the position of having to apologize for her nearly 40-year-old son’s ridiculous, childish behavior on national tv.
olivia 18 years ago
Oh but no, I come to the Manolo’s site for the definitive review of the most recent episode and would not have it the any other way! :)
Olivia, she thinks the Manolo, he rocks.
beth 18 years ago
Another fabulous episode. Another superb recap by the always fabulous Manolo.
And fellow commenters, some very interesting insight.
I think last night’s episode was one of my favorite. I agree that the outfit that Kayne made for Michael’s mom wasn’t all that bad and it was likely something she’d have bought herself. I thought that the coral of the top was absolutely stunning against her skin.
As far as Vincent is concerned, I’m just happy if his model isn’t wearing a basket on her head. The rest is gravy.
Laura disappointed me sorely this week. I think she knew what she wanted, she just didn’t get there. Most unusual for her.
I adore Michael and everything he makes.
As for Jeffrey….Shame on him. Shame on his momma for not raising him better. As for the enabling comments, I’m going to err on the side of caution here and suggest that while she is likely an enabler to a large degree, I think that mostly she was just trying to calm things down and was more mortified than anything else. I agree that Jeffrey should have gone home. Sure Robert’s ensemble was his usual snooooozer, at least he *listened to his client*. We cannot say the same for Jeffrey.
I have set a wishlist on my TiVO for Joan Kors Koffee Klatch. When Bravo picks it up I’m good to go. Frankly, she would have been a superior replacement for her son instead of the dishrag that was Vera Wang.
Texasexile 18 years ago
If I were Jeffrey’s mom, I would spank him and take away his sewing machine for a month AFTER I made him apologize to Angela’s mom on national tv.
desertwind 18 years ago
It would have been more fun – and fair! – if the “models” had randomly chosen their designer’s name out of the velvet bag. (If a designer was chosen by their kin that would’ve just been good luck – or not, depending on if they get along) To decide the selection-order they could have lined the mothers/sisters up by height and let the shortest select first. That would’ve been cute!
Plus, I think the designers should’ve been given more time to interact with their client during the design process and even the chance to return to Mood if they needed to start over.
Plus – they should’ve surprised all the designers with immunity!
Uli should have won.
(BTW, Rucker’s blog describes how Uli’s dad went missing on the day of the runway and there was panic. Oblivious to all the hullabaloo, he showed up at the hotel 8 hours later! He’d been riding city buses all day and taking in the sights.)
PS – No doubt the producers got the idea from BPR.
PPS – Do you think I should go to PRA? – you know: My name is desertwind and I’m a PR addict.
Virginia 18 years ago
Nancy Friedman is right. Uli’s mom did not present the same design problems as most of the other moms. Degree of difficulty ought to count for something. Also, the tan collar, while striking against the black didn’t look good with her pale hair and skin. It was a good dress, but not great. Uli’s design was more impressive.
good peasant stock 18 years ago
Vincent’s dress was perfect for only one woman–Jane, the space housewife from The Jetsons.
Sela 18 years ago
The Sela, she would not wish to wear the reversible dress. Too bulky! And the belt, it was horrible!
However, nothing approached the level of hideousness wreaked by the prat, Jeffrey, who proved incapable of either pleasing his client or producing a wearable dress. I was ashamed for him and for his mama.
I was also surprised at how weak Angela’s defense of her poor mama was. She has not the stomach to be a top designer.
twistygirl 18 years ago
The Twistygirl, she has reached her breaking point with the Jeffrey. She wants to bitch-slap him back to the tattoo parlor. Or back to rehab. Poor Angela’s mother, she was just being honest and answering the questions the Silver Fox Tim Gunn posed to her. Was she supposed to lie and say she liked light blue? And although Mama Jeffrey seemed lovely in her own way, can somebody say E-N-A-B-L-E-R?
Twistygirl liked Wackadoo Vincent’s dress well enough but agreed that Ulli should have won. Vincent’s dress did not fit Mama Ullischnitzel very well in the top.
Twistygirl has mixed feelings about seeing Barbie Bob go. He wowed us with that first dress, then has been a letdown ever since.
Twistygirl also squealed with delight over the Mama Kors, what a brilliant guest judge! She thought Mama Garcia could be next but then realized that the Nina, she was raised by wolves. Very beautiful wolves, but wolves nonetheless.
ash 18 years ago
When Jeffery pointed out to Tim that Angela’s mom had no problems with the fabric colors at Mood, it made me think this woman is a troublemaker. Angela’s mom could have told Jeffery, “no I did not approve of the colors”, but she said nothing.
Clearly Jeffery became tired of this woman’s ongoing negativity of his outfit, and said the thing about her perhaps being insecure, as a way of pointing out why she’s so hell bent on not wearing lighter colors, as Jeffery purchased periwinkle blue fabric for accent purpose. If you’re a PR designer and you’re stressed for time and you know you must make the outfit look like it came from the designer’s point of view, with some input from the client; you’d be telling this lady to pipe down on the complaining. Jeffery wanted her to start thinking differently about the dress, be open to trying a differnt color, for those who protest that they can only be seen in dark colors do have a form of insecuritiy IMO.
I didn’t like how attack dogish Angela’s mom was on the runway, it was as if she and Angela had her comments all planned out ahead of time. If she’s such a sweet lady, she would have simply said that the outfit’s not her style or not for her; but no, she had to throughly bash it.
ITA with the opinion that Angela’s mom was picked last for a reason. One only has to look at most of her expressions to get why she wasn’t a top pick.
ash 18 years ago
Also, ITA with Tim Gunn’s assessment on Vincent’s dress; the collar should have extended to the back, and I found it so 1970’s. Vincent has not a clue as to how to construct a garment that looks hip/modern. This guy is Brady Bunch city. I personally believe that the producers had a hand in Vincent’s win; they know Vincent would be the guy that we’d be counting the days till he’s gone (and Tim Gunn was counting for sure), so they give him the win so we all end the program feeling the shock & awe. The judges clearly spoke more highly of Uli’s outfit, and Tim Gunn said Uli was robbed. Tim and the judges, in the past, have usually all agreed on the winner, that’s why I smell a project set-up from the producers.
ngb411 18 years ago
I have to do agree with most of the comments about Kayne’s outfit. It wasn’t as bad as people said it was and the colors did look nice with Michael’s mom’s skin. As for Jeffrey, I think he should have been kicked off for his behavior. I would rather endure one more week of Barbie Bob’s boring design than deal with Jeffrey’s rudeness. I can’t believe his mom was apologizing for him!! Total enabler. As for Angela, I was very disappointed that she didn’t stand up for her mom! I mean show or no show, if someone was talkin’ about my momma like that, there would have been some smoke in the city!
18 years ago
Alimum, you are so wrong.
In a world of class and manners, Angela’s mom is allowed her petulance and whininess because she is Jeffrey’s elder. Take one look at Jeffrey’s own mother, and you realize that he was raised with better manners.
As for Angela’s mom, she was approached by Tim Gunn, who began an innocuous conversation with her. She answered truthfully, saying she disliked the choice of fabric color. That she never wore blue. Nothing whiny about that.
Jerffrey’s reaction, however, was over the top, suspecting a conspiracy and sabotage. Grow up, Jeffrey. You might be talented, and you might be trying to turn your life around, but all I see is an angry, ugly, tattood boor.
18 years ago
Manolo, I love your blog. You and the Project Rungay guys make my day. I read you with my morning coffee. Spot on about Michael Kors mother! What a grand lady.
You are so right about Blogging Project Runway. I experienced Project Runway withdrawal symptoms between PR2 & PR3. Blogging Project Runway kept me connected and in touch with the designers long after the second show was over.
Talix18 18 years ago
I consider myself a “sane recovering” person and take issue with the statement “…immature behavior is a hallmark of recovering addicts…” While there is a lot of truth in the idea that emotional growth stops when addiction takes over, nobody who continues to use their addiction as an excuse to be a jackass is recovering. (And I’ve always heard it as “If you take the rum out of a fruitcake you still have a fruitcake.”)
Gigi 18 years ago
The scariest thing for me is that Jeffrey is actually someone’s father. Imagine that for a moment, if you will. I suppose if he is unable to set a good example, he will just have to serve as a horrible warning instead.
diabla 18 years ago
To “The Manolo” – Love It! Love It! Love It!!!
I Have To Agree With Everyone – Jeffrey Should Have Gone… After All – Alison’s Leaving Last Week Wasn’t Based On Her Past Designs, But Just That Single Project… I Almost Feel, After Watching A Repeat Of Last Week, That Some Of The Judges Were Simply Jealous Of Her!
This Episode Did Become Quite The Soap Opera – Can We Say “Drama Queens”!
The Moms All Did Very Well On Camera… Perhap’s We Should Also Blame The Producers For Choosing Jeffrey… Some Seem To Be Holding His Appearance Against Him, Which Is Certainly Not Very Kind… The Guy Does Have Talent!
Kayne Seemed To Feel The Most Connected With His Client… We Were All Amazed To Hear Of His Amazing Weight Loss – Wow! I Watched This Episode, Ready To See Vincent Booted Off… & Zowie – He Wins!!! Uli Proved That She Can Make Something Different… & Should Have Won!
gemdiva 18 years ago
I was completely apalled by Jeffrey’s behavior. He should have been GONE. Taking the entire Angela, Jeffrey battle out of the equation (which he was obviously unable to do), it was his job to dress his “client” to reflect not only her taste but his ability to be flexible and yet still convey his sense of style. Anyone who has ever dealt with the public knows that you have to find a level on which to relate to all kinds of different people and personalities in order to be successful. Instead he seemed to say I’m going to do what I want to do and since you don’t like it, I’m going to retaliate by humiliating you publically and making you look ridiculous.
He failed in all aspects of this challenge! In true recovering addict (and I use the word “recovering” grudgingly) he tried to manipulate an outcome where he was the victim and his failure was anyone’s fault but his and to hell with whatever havoc he wreaked on the feelings of others. It was HER fault that she wasn’t shaped like a model so how was he supposed to design for her. It was HER scheming that led him to dress her in a color she disliked. It was HER evil Machiavellian plan to make him look bad because she was the mother of his enemy. It was HER fault that she was reduced to tears because she was a weak whiny woman. PUHLEASE! GIVE ME A BREAK!
He is a despicable excuse for a human being and deserves to get the boot. As for his Mom, someone should have corrected this behaviour ages ago instead of coddling him and making his excuses for him, so she needs to get a grip on reality. I have a son about his age and if my son ever behaved like that in public in my presence even at this age, I would have dragged him out of the room by his ear and blasted him from here to Timbuktu. This was a difficult episode to watch.
Karen 18 years ago
I’m in the custom clothing business, and recently this past June I had a customer EXACTLY like Angela’s mom. She was the most FRUSTRATING person I’ve ever dealt with because she didn’t know what she wanted. I found Angela’s mom to be a passive aggressive personality who was subtly sabotaging Jeffrey by not giving him proper direction and then throwing a fit when he didn’t understand what she had in mind. My customer was exactly the same, kept pointing out garments for a size 6 when she was an 18. Garments and fabrics that were totally unacceptable for her body type. Did anyone else notice that Jeffrey’s garment for Angela’s mommie looked almost EXACTLY LIKE WHAT SHE WAS WEARING DURING THEIR CONSULTATION!!!!! Geez, and then she said she wouldn’t wear anything like it! I think he was just frustrated because she didn’t speak up (passive aggressive) until it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too late for him to do anything to fix it. I don’t even like Jeffrey very much, but in this case, I’ve been in his shoes and I can TOTALLY relate to his f you attitude. If you read Andy’s blog on the Bravo site, he evey states that she WAS PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE and that her petulance extended FAR BEYOND WHAT WAS SHOWN ON SCREEN!! I say cut Jeffrey some slack on this one.
Norma Desmond 18 years ago
Talix18, I think we are agreeing with each other. My point is that the Jeffrey, while he may not be taking the drugs, does not seem to be recovering — hence the ickiness.
Norma Desmond 18 years ago
Oh, and another thing — it is entirely possible that both things are true — that Angela’s mother is passive aggressive and annoying, and that Jeffrey is a petulant raging twit. This it is not necessarily the either/or situation.
Imelda Blahnik 18 years ago
I agree with alimum, ash and Karen – Angela’s mother was the whiny, passive-aggressive, emotionally manipulative nightmare client from the hell. I have no love for Jeffrey – he is a misogynist, his piece this week was atrocious, he’s arrogant, petulant, etc. And he handled himself appallingly. Yet I felt sorry for him, given what/who he had to work with.
I too sensed a conspiracy between Angela and her mother. When Angela was asked on stage how she thought her mother looked, she said “I think she looks terrible!”. Can you imagine? If that was my mother I would have said she looks beautiful, but that the design does nothing for her.
gemdiva 18 years ago
It must be nice living in Karen land where you get to dictate what everyone should wear. For your sake I hope all your future clients are size 6s with no figure challenges, low IQs, bland personalities and no personal fashion opinions. That way you (and Jeffrey) can coerce them into wearing anything you design.
Fortunately for the rest of us, there are designers out there who know that plus size gals can be very fashion savy and would like to wear clothes with style and not just tented, shapeless garments made from excessive yards of fabric. Designers who think “style” and not “camouflage” when they see a woman bigger than a size 14.
Jeffrey’s outfit was not only ugly, but poorly constructed and the seams weren’t even pressed. It was a horror and I think Angela and her mother were only being frank and honest when asked how they felt about it. Let me tell you, if someone had made my mother cry and then dressed her in a potato sack so she looked that awful on national television, I wouldn’t have pulled my punches either.
By the way, what makes you think that Jeffrey’s abhorrent antics didn’t extended FAR BEYOND WHAT WAS SHOWN ON SCREEN!?
Khazarkhum 18 years ago
If Jeffrey had acted that way towards my mother, she would have given him the tongue-lashing he so richly deserved, breaking him into the quivering mass of wasted flesh that he truly is.
Can anyone here imagine what would have transpired had Jeffrey acted that way towards Santino’s mom?
VeddyVeddyBadAng 18 years ago
Lord, save us from the delicate geniuses of the design world. Just because you’re a designer, doesn’t mean you have the right to belittle and be condescending to your client’s face! When they say they want something crazy (which they often do), you smile, nod politely and say “Yes, that sounds great. But you know what would make that idea even better is …” and THEN elaborate and expand on their idea, and at least make them feel involved in the process. By being positive and including them in the creative process, you earn their trust and help them be more accepting of your (better-designed) ideas.
Then, when you go back to the office, you can make fun of them all you want!
ash 18 years ago
I agree with everything you said, Karen. RIGHT ON
You are an expert in what people can/cannot wear, and it’s so true that larger women can’t wear just any old dress style they pick out. Angela’s mom’s outfit that Jeffery designed did look like the thing she had on in the beginning of the show, only the top part on the chest and the collar were different to her cause she hates light colors, she needs to get hip and go with the color flow!
gemdiva 18 years ago
Ash, sweetie, last time I looked this was America and people were free to choose what they want to wear. While it’s true that not everyone looks good in what they choose, I believe this holds true for petite people just as much as it does for plus size people. Bad taste knows no size range. I spent 10 years selling designer duds at a pricey 5th avenue department store, so trust me on this one.
I think “Veddy” has it right. The client chooses, you use your tact and skill to improve on the idea and complain about it later in a less public forum. The skills of a designer have to go beyond the ability to cut and sew. Very few people can envision a plus size lady in anything other than a pillow case, including, sometimes, the plus size lady herself. But, it can be done with a little skill and imagination.
I am pushing 60 and I wear a size 22 and I have a closet full of clothes, all of which have waist lines and bustlines and none of which look like pillow cases. A woman of any size and any age can be fashion forward and impeccably well dressed given the right clothes and the right encouragement.
Karen 18 years ago
You’re right Gemdiva, it is America and as you said “…last time I looked this was America and people were free to choose what they want to wear” and it goes both ways. I also have the right to refuse to manufature a garment that I know will make my customer look bad because ultimately my name is on the label in the back of the neck. You appear to have a huge chip on your shoulder regarding plus size fashion. I have a varied clientele and I do know the differences that are required to make my more realistically sized customers look and feel beautiful. That is why they hire me to do my job, but when they don’t want to listen to my suggestions and think they would be better off designing the outfit, I say let them do it themselves. They have no need at all to even involve me in the process.
MeriJenBen 18 years ago
Can’t everybody be a little bit right?
1) Angela’s mom is passive-agressive and whiny. She didn’t do a good job explaining to Jeffery what she wanted. I work in a customer serviced based profession, and women like that are my worst nightmare, because you can’t make them happy.
2) Jeffrey had a problem working with Angela’s mom from the begining. She was plus sized, she was mousey, she was Angela’s mom. A bigger person could have put a brave face on things and worked to be cordial, but Jeffrey is not a bigger person.
In a perfect world, when Angela’s Mom (who is so vanilla I can’t remember her name) was complaining to Tim about Jeffrey’s color choices, Jeffrey could have said “Let me tell you why I think this would look beautiful on you”, instead of having a hissyfit. Angela’s mom could have tried to open a dialogue instead of dissolving into tears. Angela and Jeffrey’s mom could have tired to facilitate conversation, instead of taking sides.
But none of that happened. What happened is that Jeffrey’s made an unflattering and inappropriate outfit for a difficult client and acted like a jackass doing it. Neither side was right or has anything to be proud of.
v2m3 18 years ago
When Jeffrey’s inevitable “auf” comes, he is almost certain to relapse. Whining, blaming and attacking are no indication that he has involved himself in a 12-step program of sobriety. He has all the traits of a recidivist that will surely succumb to his drug of choice. So for those of us that may stumble upon his thick, tattooed neck lolling around in a puddle of his own fetid urine, please be sure to kick him in his tiny, little head.
VJ 18 years ago
I work in customer service too. We are trained to actively listen and to ask good questions. We are told that the customer is always right. (Robert’s downfall.)
Jeffrey has no customer service skills.
Angela’s mother was an invited guest. She came to the show wearing a simple navy v-neck sweater, dark slim pants, and a striped blouse. Classic. Nothing showy or embarassing. And nothing exciting either, but when you’re that heavy you might as well err on the safe side. And Karen, the outfit she wore at the beginning of the show was NOTHING like the shapeless layered sack Jeffrey designed.
Jeffrey’s misogynistic outfit was an embarassment to zaftig women everywhere, as well as hideously deforming. Angela’s mom’s supposed passive agressiveness (I would label it an inability to articulate her desires, as I doubt she has ever ordered a custom made outfit from a stranger before) had nothing to do with the end result, which was caused by Jeffrey’s appalling lapse of taste and lack of respect for his client.
RJ 18 years ago
I can’t believe Vincent won this challenge. To me, the dress he designed looked dated and ill-fitting. When the judges praised it to high heavens, I couldn’t believe my ears.
Actually, I wasn’t impressed with any of the designers’ output this week. If I had to pick a winner, I’d choose Uli because her outfit moved well, had a lovely print/color, and was fashion-forward for someone like Kayne’s mom.
Michael has done wonders in past challenges, but a shirtdress??? It looked so ordinary. And just because it was reversible doesn’t make it unique IMO.
Jeffrey’s shocking behavior upset me. His attack on Angela’s mom was uncalled for. Why is he still around??? I have a feeling the producers are keeping him on the show because he provides the drama and craziness that every reality program needs.
So how do the judges decide who gets auf-ed anyway? Do they base their decision on past performances (say, Robert and his weekly output of “boring” outfits) or do they go by how the designer fared on a particular challenge (Allison’s unfortunate “brioche” outfit during the recycling challenge, even though she did quite well in previous challenges).
I mean, what looked worse this week…Robert’s safe, simple dress or Jeffrey’s confused, unflattering ensemble?
Wasn’t one of the objectives of this challenge to dress the everyday woman in clothes that flattered her and made her comfortable? I think Robert’s outfit did that (albeit in an expected way), while Jeffrey did nothing but make his client unhappy. He should have been the one to go.
Jenzilla 18 years ago
I also occasionally get difficult clients who don’t know quite what they want, and I end up having to come up with more ideas and redo things. Sometimes I find that very frustrating. However, I recognize that this is precisely why I have a job. If everyone knew exactly what they wanted and could do it themselves they wouldn’t need me.
For those of you defending Jeffrey, I suppose you’d be okay with someone treating your mom like that? And don’t try to cop out by saying your mother would never be so difficult, because that is simply a matter of perception.
v2m3 18 years ago
Jeffrey’s mother probably has to tie a porkchop around his thick tattooed neck to get the dog to play with him.
Joan 18 years ago
Jeffrey from the very beginning didn’t want to listen to Angela’s mom. She said she liked “deep green, deep purple” which, IMO, is not the same as dark green or purple. She wanted jewel tones, he gave her navy blue. She wanted rich colors, he gave her drab. Maybe Jeffrey just doesn’t know the difference between “deep” and “dark”, but if so, that’s just another example of how unfit he is to win this competition.
KnucklesTheDog 18 years ago
Has the Manolo not noticed that the Joan Kors resembles the love child of the Evil Karl Lagerfeld and the Donatella?