Shoes for the Green Velvet
Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.
I’m going to my first Washington fancy dress party in a few weeks, and I needed some shoes to match a tea length vintage green velvet dress w/ rhinestone straps. Any suggestions?
Since the Manolo does not know the exact shade of this lovely sounding dress, the Manolo will turn to the Bishop Don “Magic” Juan, who always recommends that green clothes be matched with the gold shoes, or as he would put it, “Green for the money, Gold for the honey!”
Yes, perhaps you would not want your shoes to be designed by the good Bishop, but even he would agree that these shoes from the Bruno Magli are “chuuurch”!
Sydney 18 years ago
The Manolo has truly harnassed the powers of the super fantastic, because I just bought those shoes (in black, as I did not know they came in gold) to go with my green dress. Truly, the shoe gods have smiled on us all. Thank you!
Zarba 18 years ago
The ArchBishop is indeed pimp!
Texasexile 18 years ago
ROTFL. Manolo has passed beyond the realm of superfantastic – Chuuch indeed!
Jan 18 years ago
Egads. Is this serious?
Is the wrinkled leatherette on the heel of the shoe intentional?
My eyes. My eyes.
Ivy 18 years ago
I’ve always loved how dark green looks with gold. It does require a bit of ‘ball’ to pull of gracefully, but why not?
Jan 18 years ago
Ivy: The gold shoes by Shelli Segal (on your site) are magnificent. Much, much better!