Manolo in the French Vogue
Manolo says, the Manolo and many of his fashion blogging internet friends they have been profiled in the online version of the French Vogue, under the headline, Blogs de Mode.
Here is the link to the section with the Manolo.
“Mais qui est le Manolo?†Manolo le Shoeblogger est un individu modeste qui adore les chaussures. Il est plus grand que vous ne l’imaginez, il a plus de cheveux que vous ne le pensez et il est bien mieux éduqué que vous ne le croyez. C’est un flâneur appliqué qui adore se promener dans les rues des grandes villes, s’asseoir aux terrasses, échanger des gossips aves ses amis en sirotant des cappuccinos et des Campari. La mode et la culture pop sont ses sujets favoris, et bien qu’il soit versé dans des sujets plus profonds, il est fier d’être superficiel.
Relation à la mode:
“Une relation? Manolo se considère comme le plu juene rejeton de la mode, ce qui l’emplit de désir et de fierté. Professional est un mot trop froid pour décrire l’histoire d’amour que Manolo entretient avec le ‘mileuâ€. En retour, qui, il est invité aux défilés.
Chris 18 years ago
ahh ze manolo he is trés super fantastique. It ees funny zat zhey should profile les blogs americains when zhere are so many french blogs zat also talk about ze fashion. Ze French zhey are absolutement fous about ze blogging, zhey have the most blogs per capita in ze monde entier.
Poulette 18 years ago
Frech Vogue: La word to ze maman.
Jessica 18 years ago
Ah, Manolo, I am looking forward eagerly to the Fier d’être superficiel T-shirt.
Cris 18 years ago
Annalucia 18 years ago
So the Manolo is the large man with the abundant hair? The Annalucia now imagines him to look like the Bryn Terfel.
Litchee 18 years ago
oui, nous sommes fous de blogs… mais surtout fous du Manolo que nous lisons assidûment chaque jour que Dieu fait!
La Petite Acadienne 18 years ago
“Fier d’être superficiel”…La Petite Acadienne would buy many of those for her family and friends.
Wendy 18 years ago
la petite chou chou 18 years ago
I guess I’ll have to get my sister to translate.
LAfoodie 18 years ago
With no serious dictionary nearby, so please pardon any unwieldy/incorrect phrases– :)
“But who is the Manolo?” Manolo the Shoeblogger is a modest individual who loves the shoes. He is taller than you imagine him, he has more hair than you think and he is better educated than you may believe. He is a dedicated idler who adores strolling in big-city streets, sitting on terraces, exchanging gossip with his friends while sipping cappuccinos and Campari. Fashion and pop culture are his favorite subjects, and although he is well-versed in more profound subjects, he is proud to be superficial.
Relationship with fashion
“A relationship? Manolo considers himself to be fashion’s youngest offspring, which fills him with desire and pride. Professional would be too cold a word to describe the history of the love between Manolo and the fashion world.” In return, he is invited to the shows.
aimlessjoys 18 years ago
Et moi, je suis fana super-fantastique de Manolo. Je l’adore a la folie, absollument!
Eh, Tintez Cloches, Tous ensemble! Ayyyyyyyyy, Le Manolo, l’ Extraordinaire!
la petite chou chou 18 years ago
Ah ha!
the london fashionista 18 years ago
This also appeared in English Vogue along with a piece about two women who had started a blog about bags. However the article made it fairly clear that the journalist preferred manolo!