Pucci for the Thursday

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Manolo says, sometimes, when the Manolo is feeling blue–perhaps because he is far from the comforts of his home, or because the bee has stinged, or the dog has bited–the Manolo remembers the few of his favorite things, chief among them the patterns of the Emilio Pucci.

To put it simply, Pucci makes the Manolo smile.


The Real Elvis Died Too Young

Manolo says, but the French Elvis continues to frighten small children and helpless animals.


Etiquette for the Rubber Boots

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked him the question:

Dear Manolo,

You have, on a couple of occasions, provided fabulous recommendations for wet-weather boots. My question is about the etiquette of rain boots: can one wear a stylish pair of rubber boots into the office, or must one bring a change of shoes? I’m referring particularly to city rain conditions, not the sort of muddy mess of an afternoon spent slogging through the moors in search of Heathcliff.

Thank you,


Manolo says, in this instance, the politeness and the fashion both demand that if you are wearing the rubber boots through the streets of your city you should bring the change of the shoes. The only exception to this rule is if you are the Minnie Mouse, in which case you are exempt because the streets of the Disneyland are reputed to be spotless.

Of the course, there is one other option for the non-Minnie Mouses which the Manolo has not discussed here recently: the overshoes. Sadly, in our lost era of casual excess, the overshoes have mostly gone the way of the spats and the long gloves.

Manolo asks, ubi sunt the clear plastic overshoes worn by the stylish ladies of the not-too-distant rainy past?