The Little Emperor

Manolo says, nothing cheers the Manolo like the visit from his favorite funky little fashion troll, the John Galliano!

Look! He is the very model of the modern major designer!

Everyone thinks they’re down there just playing pinochle at the Knights of Columbus Hall.

What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is…


Listening to…


The Manolo is still reading the work of the Mark Helprin. His writing has the magnificent flow, with cadences which the Manolo can only characterize as classical in their sonority and power. And, yet, he is funny! To be the writer such as this is among the chief aspirations of the Manolo, well, that and to have magnificent shoes.


The Book of the Manolo

Manolo says, for the past few weeks, since the start of the new year, the Manolo the Shoeblogger has been feverishly writing away at his autobiography.

Now, after this burst of activity, the Manolo is most happy to announce that he has reached the 120 page mark, and that his agent tells him that he is ready to take this brief sample of the Manolo’s magnus opus to the publishers, so that they may judge its literary worth in the markeplace.

Yes, 120 pages sounds like the large portion, but at the rate the Manolo is going, he expects this work to be in excess of 400 pages.

Thus far, at 120 pages, he has only told the story of his early childhood through the point at which he survives the winter as the homeless street urchin, who lives in the Parque del Buen Retiro, shining the shoes on the Paseo de Recelotes for the spare change. (Those who have seen portions of the work suggest that it somewhat Dickensian.)

So, please, keep your fingers crossed for the Manolo as his book-to-be enters this next stage of its existence.