Something Blue?

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s internet friends has sent the Manolo the urgent question.

Dear Manolo,

I am getting married in 3 weeks and I would love to have my “something blue” be my shoes but have been unable to find anything. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks a million!


P.S. I am already way over my budget so something more economical would be appreciated!

Frankly, the Manolo finds his internet friend’s insouciance about her wedding shoes the refreshing change from the usual bridal missives the Manolo receives, many which begin, “Ayyyyyyy! Manolo, there are only thirteen months until my big day…”

There is, however, the problem for the Manolo, in that without having seen the dress he cannot give the fully informed opinion, he can only guess as to which shade of blue would be most appropriate.

However, here are two possible choices in the “something blue” color.
Maddelin by Fornarina    Manolo Likes!  Click!

This strappy sandal from the Fornarina is pretty, and will not repture the bank in cost.

Travolta by Cynthia Rowley   Manolo Likes!  Click!

The Manolo loves this icy metallic blue sandal from the Cynthia Rowley. It is slightly more costly, but still less than $200 of the American dollars.

Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

My boyfriend, who is Jewish, has just invited me home for Passover Seder, and to meet his parents for the first time. He has suggested that I should dress as if it were “Thanksgiving Dinner” by which I think he means moderately formal, although at my home my father traditionally wears a Chicago Bears jersey and sweat pants. Please help!


Manolo says, ayyyyy! Such the honor to be invited home to experience this ancient and important ritual! Truly, the boyfriend must like you, for otherwise he would not be so willing to disappoint his mother, who has spent all that time working on his J-Date profile.

Do not worry. She will certainly grow to like you, too, especially as you will arrive so respectfully and attractively attired. The Manolo suggests dressing as if you were attending the adult dinner party with the French Ambassador, meaning somewhat conservatively, in subdued colors, and yet with the attention to style.

You would certainly not wish to appear to be the shiksa hoochie mama.

As for the shoes, the Manolo recommends the simple and elegant pump, such as this one, the Clara from the Stuart Weitzman.

Clara by Stuart Weitzman   Manolo Likes!  Click!


Riding Boots for the Short Girl

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s internet friends has asked him the question.

Dear Manolo,

I’m really short, about 5’1”. Is it better for me to wear boots with a bit of heels? I’ve had my eyes on a pair of classic riding boots from Prada. Please let me know what you think of it. Thanks.



What is there to think about? These are emphatically handsome boots in the very classic shape. They would be the good addition to any wardrobe, and you would get much use of them over the coming decades.

Perhaps the Peggy is worried that her lower leg is too short to carry off the knee-high boot. The Manolo thinks that unless she is exceptionally short legged, this will not be the the case. But, only the trying them on will tell, as the boots should not go over her knee, rather should stop just below the knee.

Of the course, what the Peggy really wants from the Manolo is reassurance about purchasing that which she already powerfully desires. To which the Manolo can only say go for it! He commends her on her good taste and knows that she will get much pleasure from wearing these boots.


Here Comes The Oscar de la Renta Cottontail

Oscar de la Renta fuchsia 'Aimee' striped grograin mules  Manolo Likes!  Click!Oscar de la Renta fuchsia 'Aimee' striped grograin mules  Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, hopping down the bunnytrail. Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way.

Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes?


Manolo answers, it is the Divine Miss Bette Davis Midler!

Once again the Manolo is amazed by the ability of his internet friends to solve the difficult shoe problem.

MySpace Manolo

Manolo says, the Manolo reminds you that he is now on the MySpace, looking for his internet friends who are also there.


Whose Shoes Wednesday… More Clues!

Manolo says, this week the challenge is so hard that the Manolo has decided to give you the few extra clues…

Manolo asks again, whose shoes?


Manolo’s Wednesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse…

Polyurethane encapsulated canteen in heel with screw cap.


In particular it’s got to be her luminously huge eyes.

Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend the Nancy.


He is Comfortable in His Celebrity!

Hasselhoff on the T-Shirt!
Manolo says, Look! the Hasselhoff he is comfortable in his celebrity!

Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend the Sarah!

Whose Shoes Wednesday


Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Pointy and Elegant

Zinnia by Daniel Barbara    Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, yes, it is the Tuesday night, but the Manolo felt the need for something pointy and elegant, like this beautiful shoe from the Daniel Barbara.