Manolo’s Thursday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links that may perhaps amuse. “We are modernizing the princess concept.” The show was accompanied by the sound of spoken letters for the ASCII code used to represent picture fragments of the body. (Link is not safe for the place of work) I’ll never forget, it was the Kenneth Cole Tokubei in white, the year was 1984.


Missoni Thursday Night

Manolo says, here from the Missoni is the colorful skimmer which may be relied upon to enliven up your wardrobe. Not only is it fun, but is has the very refined shape. This combination of color, pattern, and line would announce the wearer’s sophistication.


Crikey! It is the International Croc Attack!

Manolo says, despite the best efforts of the Manolo, the plague that is the Crocs is spreading! They have invaded New Zealand, where the righteously outraged fashionistas have begun to do battle against this odious and life-sucking scourge. The plastic horrors have taken the country by storm, but their popularity remains an enigma. Bulky, hole-filled and jellybean-coloured, they are not the height of footwear fashion. “Crocs are ugly, they are hideous, they are disgusting,” railed Denise L’Estrange-Corbet, founder of Kiwi fashion label World. “They should actually have teeth in them that bite off the feet of anyone who wears them…


Conceptual Self-Sabotage

Manolo says, it is not often that the Manolo reads the runway review that makes him laugh out loud. As the rigs got bigger and the girls’ expressions more frozen with fear, involuntary gasps escaped from the audience. “Oh my God, she’s listing!” hissed one observer. “I can’t look!” cried another. “That poor girl’s slipping!” shrieked someone else. By pure luck, no one did fall, and when the applause came, Viktor & Rolf may not have realized it was all for the models’ heroic endurance, rather than for them. The mild-mannered and scrupulously polite Horsting and Snoeren can hardly be…