Manolo’s Wednesday Miscellany
Manolo says, here are the few links that may perhaps amuse…
No one knows a woman better than a man who understands her obsession with shoes.
Sounds more like punishment to me, at least for those of us who have our eyesight.
OH LAWD, you KNOW some big-footed SASQUATCH gonna step on one of these purty toes up in the club (From the Manolo’s internet friend the the Susanna)
Poochie 18 years ago
My husband doesn’t really understand my obsession, but at least he compliments my shoes when I wear them and gets amused when others compliment them an I get all excited.
Regarding those horrid Crocs – I had a client recently tell me that she had a pair and she loved them, etc., etc. I didn’t know what to do. I basically froze – torn between my moral obligation to tell her how much I despise them and my job to be a good representative of my company. Oh the agony! In the end I tried to not have that “deer in the headlights” look and make some lame remark to get off the subject.
And those toes! Even more horrid than the ultra long fingernails which I find perplexing, hideous and, frankly, unsanitary. Yuck!