Whose Shoes Wednesday…Pam Anderson!
Manolo asked, whose shoes?
Manolo answers, the Pamela Anderson!
Congratulation to the Manolo’s super fantastic internet friend Long Island who was the first and one of the very few to properly identify the celebrity wearing these shoes.
ayla 18 years ago
I wish you wouldn’t put the answer in the title of the post, because frequently I can’t read Whose Shoes until Thursday, after the answer has already been posted, and I like to try and guess anyways.
Long Island 18 years ago
The Manolo referred to me as “super fantastic”! I am so excited, certainly that will be the high point of the month.
Suburbia 18 years ago
The shoes are Uggly, but look at that beautiful dog (who matches the shoes).
Fatty 18 years ago
Those are synthetic Uggs and she got her dog from a purebreed rescue organization, right? Because she’s such a PETA supporter.
Poochie 18 years ago
I guessed wrong. Maybe because I actually liked some of the shoes. Not that my guess (Jessica Simpson) would have been any classier.
MissMarj 18 years ago
Fatty – they’re not synthetic. I remember reading that Pamela Anderson, after wearing them for years and starting the trend for them, was horrified to find out they’re made of sheeps. I think I may have read that on here actually.
Ah yes
Tracy 18 years ago
Good picture… she looks like a real person. What a great dog, too!
Fatty 18 years ago
Thanks for the link, MissMarj. As always, the Manolo, he has all the answers.
desertwind 18 years ago
What a sweet picture.
Crabcakes 18 years ago
How could she not know they are made of sheepskin though? They are fur! At the very least, she knows the outsides are leather. With all her posturung shouldn’t she at least notice she’s wearing fur? And she still wears them. Just like she eats salmon evry day to help her hepatitis, after announcing she would never eat fish because “suffocation is a horrible way to die”. It just seems like she’s kind of hypocritical. Like her ethics only go as far as her comfort.
Miss Kitty 17 years ago
I tried to FIND The Pamela Anderson website to buy some synthetic uggs and I cannot come up with it. I wonder if it a thing of the past. Anyone?
Piru 16 years ago
Fatty was being sarcastic, guys. There are no synthetic Uggs and Pamela is just another example of an idiotic and hypocritical PETA supporter.
RAWR 15 years ago
love the dog
sandy@damenmode 15 years ago
I really loved Baywatch with Pamela Anderson it was really an awesome serie, too bad, that there isn’t a similar serie today.