Assurance from the Manolo

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s internet friends has asked him the question.

Dear Manolo–

Can you please help me? I have been reading your blog and got very excited that someone like me, from the suburbs of Pittsburgh PA, could be super fantastic. I love shoes (who doesn’t?), but my most expensive shoe purchases so far have choices such as what you deem for the “poor girl” (Frano Sarto, for example). I decided to step things up a bit and ordered a pair of shoes from that I’m now regretting. I have not received them yet, but am fearing that they just won’t live up to my new-found expectations of the super fantastic. I attached a picture for you to look at–can you tell me what your first impression is?

Thank you so much,


The Manolo’s first impression is that these are the handsome shoes that the Shawna can be proud of wearing, especially if these were purchased at the Bluefly, which means that she undoubtedly paid much less than retail.

Here the details “make” the shoe. The folded leather of the vamp, the understated color of the adornments, the animal print on the heel, even the pinkish-putty color of the edge, all of these things combine to give this shoe the pleasing unity of design.

This is the sort of shoe one could wear with the simple skirt, something that would allow one to show the shapely leg to good advantage.