Manolo says, the legend says that any man brave enough to sneak up behind the banshee and grab her breast will be granted his wish.
0Manolo says, the legend says that any man brave enough to sneak up behind the banshee and grab her breast will be granted his wish.
deja pseu 18 years ago
BWAHAHAHA! The Deja says that the Mick, he is the legend, but it’s time to hang it up now.
gemdiva 18 years ago
The Mick is bad enough, but what about the Keith! I keep waiting for pieces to start falling off the man.
La BellaDonna 18 years ago
*Tsk* La BellaDonna, she realizes that, more than ever, the Mick really does look like the Grandma Mazur …
desertwind 18 years ago
Now, how come James Brown could perform at 110 and still look cool and Mick is only 75 and looks like such a dork.
Just askin’.