Fancy Lad Fred?
Manolo says, naturally, the Manolo has the opinion about this contretemps.
And he has said his piece at the Pajamas Media. Here is the start…
Manolo says, two things immediately leap into the mind of the Manolo regarding the news that the not-yet-presidential-candidate Fred Thompson made the grievous error of wearing the Gucci loafers to do his non-campaigning at the Iowa State Fair (which is dollar to the donuts the best state fair in the state!)
First, the Manolo did not know that they made the Gucci loafers in the size 13, which is the shoe size of the 6 feets and 6 inches tall Fred Thompson. The Manolo thought that 12 was the largest size offered.
And secondly, this is yet one more fashion tempest in the presidential campaigning pot of tea.
What do those who are promoting this story wish us to think?
“Ooooooh. Fred Thompson wears the Gucci loafers! Look at the Fancy Lad Fred, the pretty boy who wears the pretty boy shoes?”
Ha! The Manolo laughs!
Go here to read the rest.
Cherie 17 years ago
Oops – gaul to wear…?? Perhaps gall would be better!
Anna 17 years ago
Great blog!
I want to invite all of you to new fashion ,beauty& style forum:
La BellaDonna 17 years ago
La BellaDonna, she suspects The Manolo knew exactly what he was doing when he picked “gaul” rather than “gall” when writing his article. It is the play on words, no? La BellaDonna thought it was the sly, oblique reference to the fashionable French.
Poochie 17 years ago
I saw the article about Hillary Clinton and her v-neck top. I just wanted to say “Oh for Pete’s sake. Aren’t we past this yet?”
So annoying.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 17 years ago
This is one spelling error the Manolo had nothing to do with, as it was the Pajamas editors who wrote the brief introduction before the Manolo’s piece.
enc 17 years ago
About the shoes: Agreed.
Remember the uproar about the Pope and his Prada loafers?
Toby Wollin 17 years ago
Well, the symbolic is many times as important as the real. I recall that Martha Stewart showed up during her trial with a very expensive handbag and analysts felt that this gesture, in New York City (where people do recognize such items in terms of brand and possible cost), was a factor in her being convicted. Would it have “looked” better if Mr. Thompson had come in sneakers or perhaps something a bit more rustic in terms of footwear? Possibly – or it could have worked against him in terms of “he’s just trying to fit in and do the George Bush “just folks” thing.” So, I think in either case, Mr. Thompson was sort of damned here – on the other hand, if he was wearing something that is comfortable and stylish, I doubt that anyone at the Iowa State Fair would give a hoot, frankly.
Rox 17 years ago
Let us say that if Rox was there at Fred Thompson’s event, and ol’ Fred was wearing workboots, Mr. Thompson would be considered a condescending poseur of the worst degree.
You’re making a bid for the Bully Pulpit. It’s only reasonable to wear the loafer.
At least Mr. Thompson’s look like they’ve got some miles, but are well cared for. Better appearing with a nice, used article than brand new, shiny, and off-puttingly showy.
LaVida2 17 years ago
More than likely Fred probably had those made especially in his size if it is true that Gucci usually goes to a size 13….so the cost (if he even paid) was probably a third more than what they normally sell for when you consider the cost of extra leather to cover a 13.