Readings from the Book of Hasselhoff

Manolo says, daily readings from Don’t Hassel the Hoff. Today, page 103. Nobody knew I was in town so I enjoyed the freedom of not having to worry about paparazzi. Every day I’d drive across town from my rented apartment to visit my voice teacher and then go to the studio to record. One afternoon I had stopped at some lights when I saw a boy and a girl walking home from schoool wearing Knight Rider backpacks. I rolled down the window ‘Excuse me, have you seen KITT?’ ‘Errrrrrr, no.’ ‘My name is Michael Knight and I seem to have…


Juliette Lewis is Little Edie

Manolo says, watch this video from (you must first sit through the ad)… And then tell the Manolo it does not remind you of this… The bizarre headgear, the odd songs, the dissociative ramblings…Ayyyy! Juliette Lewis is Little Edie, but without the fashion sense or the pleasant personality. P.S. Via the Manolo’s internet friend Michele at My Fashion Life


Scary Movies

Manolo says, ayyyyy! Lagerfeld Confidential is coming to the Film Forum. If you do not consider this ominous news, just read at the quote that accompanies this announcement… “I don’t want to be a reality in people’s lives. I want to be like an apparition.” – Karl Lagerfeld Ayyyyyyyyyyyy! We are all going to be haunted by Lagerfeld!


How to Look Fifteen Years Older in Six Weeks

Manolo says, Ayyyyyy! Here from the Daily Mail is news of the social experiment gone horribly awry. But over the past six weeks, Nicky, 42, has cut this daily routine, and all the products associated with it, out of her life altogether. Yes, for 40 days and 40 nights, there has been no showering, no hair washing, no teeth cleaning and no deodorant. She has ditched her make-up and hair styling products, and allowed herself access to just three outfits (her running kit, a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and one summer dress). So what has been behind this…


Manolo’s Friday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… In Breathless, Jean Seberg says, “I don’t know if I’m free because I’m sad, or if I’m sad because I’m free,” a line that would surely sound Zach Braffy in any other context. I am not the person doing really cool research on the British road system. I’m the other one. These Catherine Malandrino shoes are a metaphor for how I’d like my career of fluffy fashion journalism genius to play out…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Can I, or can I not, wear white shoes after Labor Day. My mother says “no”, my sister says “yes”. I’m confused, please help. Laura Manolo says, it would not be late August if the Manolo were not required to answer for his friends the eternal question, “when is it proper to wear the white shoes.” Happily for many, and to the chagrin of the few, the Manolo’s response to this question has not changed for many years now. Yes, you may wear…