Sincere Flattery
Manolo says, perhaps the Manolo should apply for this job. He is certainly qualified.
Manolo says, perhaps the Manolo should apply for this job. He is certainly qualified.
Manolo says, it is not too late to submit your entry in the Manolo’s Build the Outfit contest. It will end officially tomorrow, Saturday, at noon, Eastern Coast time. Hurry! Rush now to the Manolo’s Super Fantastic Forums. As of this moment, there are only 25 entries! The odds are almost in your favor, and the prize is the $100 gift certificate from Zappos!
Manolo says, these equestrian boots from Geox look most super fantastic indeed. The Manolo loves the ankle strap, and the toe has the most elegant shape. With these on your feets, every day is the fox hunt, with you as the quarry!
Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’m going to Toronto in three weeks for a series of important business meetings. I’m worried that my shoes, most of which were purchased in Atlanta, will be unsuitable for the weather. What would you recommend? Dahlia Manolo says, ayyyy! You are going to Toronto in December! It will be like the trip to the North Pole, with all of the natives riding on reindeer and drinking maple syrup vodka straight from the tree. Pack your skis! Actually, the Manolo, who has been…