Build the Outfit #7…The Winner!

Manolo says, once again the Manolo has been mightily impressed by the level of stylist talent to be found among his readers. And thus once again the Manolo found it hard to make the decision as to which entry to pick as the winner. However, after many hours of contemplation, the Manolo gives the prize to this entry, submitted by his internet friend Sam. Here is Sam describing the outfit in his and/or her own words. An outfit for the tall girl who’s a little bit sweet, and a little bit tough, part downtown, and little uptown too. She’s on…


Tom Cruise, Only Partially Limp-Wristed

Manolo says, The Tom Cruise right hand, his pimp hand remains strong, and yet the other seems more…diffident. P.S. From that genius among geniuses, Spirit Fingers.


Rupert Sanderson Shoes for the Monday

Manolo says, yes, it is again Monday and you are back again at your desk. But happily, it is the the short week, only three days until Thanksgiving, the majority of which you will spend working out the complex seating arrangements needed to maintain harmony during the big feast. (As always, your father must be placed far away from your Cousin Andy the aggressive atheist, who makes little snorting noises when you say grace, which irritates your Uncle Bob, who made little Jenny cry last year with his “witticisms” about fat girls, and who also likes to mock your cousin…