Blahnik’s Birthday Blogrolling!
Manolo says, in honor of the Maestro’s birthday, the Manolo the Shoeblogger has decided to update his blogroll, and to throw it open to all of the new fashion blogs he has not previously included.
The are so many new and wonderful voices out there that the Manolo can barely keep up with his blog reading and linking.
So, if you are the fashion blogger who links to the Manolo, but you are not on the Manolo’s blogroll please leave the the comment here so that he may link back.
By the way, the links in the Manolo’s complete blogroll rotate randomly through the front page, 25 at the time. So everyone does appear on the front page. (If the Manolo included his whole blogroll on the front page there would be room for nothing else.)
Meg from All About Appearances and The Bargain Queen 17 years ago
You’re on my blogroll over at : )
(And I see that you already have a link to The Bargain Queen, so thanks!)
Chloe 17 years ago
I’ve got you on my blogroll at!
Linda Grant 17 years ago
Me. The Thoughtful Dresser, and of course the Thoughtful Dresser’s stylish young nephew’s sneaker blog,
carrie 17 years ago
would be most honored to be included on the Manolo’s blogroll!
you are most definitely on mine!
Beth 17 years ago
Of course the Manolo is on the blogroll of! :)
Laura K 17 years ago
The Manolo is surely the most generous blogger in the known universe.
Fasshonaburu 17 years ago
I’d love to be on your blog roll! You’re on mine at
Christine 17 years ago
Not a fashion blog, but you appear on my beauty blog, 15 Minute Beauty Fanatic at
Vogueite 17 years ago
Happy birthday, Mr.Blahnik.
Jeanne 17 years ago
Oh my goodness! I share a fashion/beauty/pop culture/style-in-general blog, And naturally, the Manolo is on our blogroll!
Ashe Mischief 17 years ago
Dear Manolo,
I would love to be included on your blogroll (especially as I have amused you twice– which is the greatest compliment that can be bestowed upon an Ashe Mischief, I assure you!).
For ever in gratitude and wading in shoes,
Ashe Mishchief
Icy 17 years ago
Thanks for the opportunity Mr Manalo!
Almost Heeled 17 years ago
You are most certainly on the blogroll of AlmostHeeled. Shoeblogs simply must stick together.
Helene 17 years ago
Dear Manolo,
You did me the great honor of citing one of my very first blog postings (Merci Karl) this past October. The Luxe Chronicles wishes you a very happy birthday and looks forward to reading your blog for many more years to come.
The Luxe Chronicles
Manolo the Shoeblogger 17 years ago
The Manolo has blogrolled!
Rebekah Roy 17 years ago
If it’s not too late – you’re on my blogroll too (at! Happy Birthday to the Maestro! :)
stephinitely 17 years ago
who doesn’t love shuz? for all you do, and in honor of Mister Maestro, merci!
Heelcandy 17 years ago
Happy Birthday Manolo! How can I not have Manolo’s Shoe Blog on my Blogroll! =). You’re my inspiration. Thanks for the link, much appreciated.
Thombeau 17 years ago
We at FABULON love love love The Manolo! It’s true!
Manolo the Shoeblogger 17 years ago
The Manolo has linked some more!
caligarius 17 years ago
Happy birthday Maestro … I’d like to be in your beautiful blogroll
Hebden 17 years ago
You are also in my blogroll, at Style…a work in progress (
Meg from All About Appearances and The Bargain Queen 17 years ago
Thanks so much for the link! I’m quite honored to have made your blogroll.
Today I’ve managed to make your blogroll and find a lovely pair of purple patent leather shoes — if only everyday was this fabulous!
Shoeoracle 17 years ago
Dear Manolo,
Its no lie when we say Manolo is our inspiration. How can we miss linking Manolo who loves the shoes most!
in love with shoes
Angela 17 years ago
Guh, how did I miss this? I would love to be on The Manolo’s blogroll!
Happy Blogday!
kendrick 15 years ago
we share the same birthday and passion. Shoe design !!