Manolo the Columnist
Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.
0Dear Manolo,
I’m currently in my final year of dental school and next year I’m going to be a dental resident. I am doing my first grown-up job interview in an uber-conservative field at a fairly conservative hospital. What shoes should I wear?
Manolo says, the Manolo has often thought about how difficult it would be to be the dentist, having to spend all day with your hands in other peoples mouths, repeating the mantras “wider please†and “this may sting the little bitâ€. Few of your customers are happy to see you, everyone thinks you are boring, and people are always spitting around you..
On the plus side, like the college professor, you get to carry on mostly one-sided conversations with people who would rather be anywhere else.
By the way, the Manolo is worried up by his friend’s use of the phrase “conservative dentist,†which conjures up in the Manolo’s mind the image of Lawrence Oliver, holding the pair of pliers, while standing over Dustin Hoffman in the movie Marathon Man.
In any event, the Manolo would recommend for his friend the Scorpio from Oh Deer shoes as being the reasonably priced, professional shoe with the little bit of flair.
bethgirl 17 years ago
I must respectfully disagree with the Manolo.
I normally LOVE Mary Janes and these have a great shape. However, they definitely don’t speak “conservative” to me, more “funky little girl.” I’d go with something more like these (though I know perhaps they are cheap, the look is good – so something similar of better quality would be suitable):
or these
or these (franco sarto for the poor girl)
Also, after reading the review of Manolo’s suggestion on Zappos that rated comfort at 1 star, with no arch support, I have to think that a health care professional, on her feet all day, probably would regret this purchase.
jj 17 years ago
Ooooo… those are lovely, sensible interview shoes!
And why the bad press for the dentists? I love my dentist. He’s hot, he’s friendly, he’s skilled enough to fix the horrible, painful work done when I was a poor graduate student with no dental insurance, and he keeps my smile looking lovely. It’s impossible to be super-fantastic without beautiful, healthy teeth!
An excellent dentist is a thing of beauty, as much as a pair of Manolos. Cheers to the Marie, and good luck in your chosen field.
JaneC 17 years ago
I don’t know why dentists get such bad press. It’s probably because there are a few bad dentists, and because people put off going until they have some horrible problem that is painful to have fixed. I have seen my dentist twice a year ever since I’ve had teeth, and with the exceptions of the six or so times that I needed procedures other than cleaning and a check-up, it’s always been–well, not pleasant, but not unpleasant either. My dentist is cheerful and gentle and keeps notes on my chart of personal things like where I go to graduate school and what field I’m in so it at least looks like he remembers me (I know he probably doesn’t, but the illusion is comforting).
I have to agree with bethgirl about the shoes, though. They are lovely, but might be a little bit young for the tastes of conservative hospital staff and “über-conservative” dentists. Something a little more grown-up would be better.
Kate Cavendish 17 years ago
Dear Manolo,
Perhaps your pal Docktor Professor Herr von Korncrake (I think I added an extra title?) is used to having one-sided conversations with college students, but some of us actually are appreciated by our students, who even seek us out for a real dialogue!
All best,
Prof. Cavendish
dangster 17 years ago
I too agree with BethGirl. I love Mary Jane shoes, but since Mary Jane shoes are typically associated with young girls, these would not be a great choice to wear to a job interview at a “conservative” place. They’re just not grown-up enough. Now if these shoes didn’t have the strap (and thus making them not Mary Janes), these would become a rather tasteful heel good for “conservative” job interviews.
Prof. Fabulous 17 years ago
This professor got a good chuckle out of the Manolo’s jab. One-sided conversations happen even in the most interactive of classes, and on occasion, even the most dedicated students (and professors) wish to be elsewhere.
SpaceCat85 17 years ago
These Mary Janes have the same heel height, but they have more padding and an adjustable strap:
Born Brit
I have a couple of pairs and usually wear them to the office with some low-key stockings and either an A-line or pencil skirt. The downside is that they could look heavy on someone with thin legs vs. the Oh Deer shoes above because of the thicker heel & sole.
Tracey 17 years ago
Hey….these shoes are tacky and Oh Deer is a no go! They are cheap and uncomfortable! Its not worth it! The brand focuses on knocking off from other REAL designers instead of creativity and what all us ladies look for COMFORT! Save your money for the real thing ladies!!!