That Guy or the Diamonds?
Manolo says, the Manolo’s shoe-obsessed friend Wayne poses the qustion.
Since you happen to have a well-read blog by American women, I have a question I’d like to put to your readers:
If you’ve looked at TV the past few weeks, there’s a commercial running for a jewelry store (yes, it’s THAT time of the season) where a man is painting his wife’s/girlfriend’s/fiancee’s toenails, and asks (I can’t quote the ad verbatim), “How do they look?”…His woman replies, “They look fine”, to which he answers, “I think they need another coat.” A voiceover says, “Because you’re not THAT GUY, there’s Helzberg Diamonds.”
QUESTION: Would a woman rather have THAT GUY, or the diamonds?
And here, through the magic of YouTube is the commercial in question…
So, dear readers, satisfy the Wayne’s (and the Manolo’s) curiosity: That guy or the diamonds?
De Anza 17 years ago
to quote a line from my fav book written by the Divine Miss M herself (Bette Midler for those not in the know…), The Saga of Baby Divine; “More, she said…”
More of “that Guy” and more diamonds….. being one of excesses myself… always hated having to chose between two things that I love…
WendyB 17 years ago
I prefer diamonds to dudes with foot fetishes.
Anonymous 17 years ago
Diamonds, definitely.
But not from Helzberg.
Bethany 17 years ago
I thought about replying to this post on Friday.. then decided not to. Funny thing, my husband and I were watching TV last night and this commercial came on. He says to me, ‘Why can’t I be that guy and buy you diamonds?’, as he proceeds to take my socks off to give me a foot massage. So, I ask him, ‘but would you paint my toe nails?’ Of course, not that it matters, I don’t really want him painting my toe nails.. not totally sure how they’d turn out. Then again, I may change my mind soon. I’m 5 months pregnant and as Leah points out, I may not be able to reach them on my own much longer.
What would I rather have? I’d rather be able to stay home with our baby than have my husband spend ‘our’ money on something I don’t really need. If it’s not taking away from that, I know he will spoil me in any way he can.
Michelle 17 years ago
The Guy (I’m married to him)! He first painted my toenails when I was pregnant because I could not reach them myself. He did a better job than I did (and I liked it…oh yeah!!), so I have him paint them for me on a regular basis.
Oh, and he gives me diamonds too…!