Project Runway 4, Episode Six
Manolo says, ayyyyy! The best challenge yet, to grab the giant fistfuls of second-rate but popular candies and candy merchandises in the candy store and to transform this mass of junk into the fashion.
This was the sort of challenge that made the original Project Runway so delightful, and not something about which Michael Kors could ecstatically shout “super commercial!!!!”
For the Manolo, the best part of the evening was that the likable chubster Chris, over whom the Manolo had begun to despair, showed that he could produce the completely wearable, and yet also sophisticated, mature, and attractive outfit.
Likewise, the Manolo agrees that Rami, the designer of immense talent, should have been the winner. His dress was fun, and beautifully constructed, and interesting. One could spend many happy hours staring at the details and admiring the cleverness of this piece.
The Manolo now feels safe in predicting that Rami will be in the final three, if not the overall winner. He does beautiful work, and he has the mature and stable personality. The other two? Kevin, and/or Christian and/or Jillian. Pick two.
As for the second place finisher, Jillian, it is clear that she has absorbed the Ralph Lauren aesthetic, and that thus she has no problem with the excessive wickety-wack, or the bizarre shapes. She consistently produces items that have the clean, classic line. But, at the same time, it is clear that she lacks sufficient imagination. For the example, what distinguished her candy outfit was not the shape, but the material. Her work seems to the Manolo to be substantially derivative. The Manolo also finds her whinging insecurity annoying, but that is the entirely different matter.
The most satisfying moment occurred when the little boy Christian was sent off the stage in the first round with the okay-but-not-great finishers. One could tell that he was crushed by the knowledge that his outfit was not judged among the best. Oh, such deliciously sweet and nougaty schadenfreude! The Manolo would go into diabetic shock if this puffed-up pipsqueak were to ever land in the bottom two.
Speaking of the puffed-up pipsqueaks, the Manolo gives you Zac Posen, perhaps the most smugly annoying person ever to appear on the Project Runway, which is indeed saying something.
Zac Posen radiates smug the way the sun radiates heat.
Query: Is is just the Manolo, or has anyone else noticed that Michael Kors does not look quite as orange?
Answer: Perhaps it is comparative. Maybe Michael Kors only seemed pale in comparison to this…
christie 17 years ago
You have a point about that Zac Posen orange. It’s the new pasty white!
gemdiva 17 years ago
As always the Manolo has hit all of the nails directly on their heads. I can only add that I wish someone would hit Sweet Pea on her head and deliver us from the wide eyed, faux innocent, “I’m so confused” protestations of this really annoying and talent-free individual. Of course, that’s just me talking.
Sarah 17 years ago
I agree with you, Manolo!
shuzluva 17 years ago
The hubby and I agree with everything you’ve written! Rami is incredibly talented and we both adored his creation. It was, as MK noted, exuberant and delightful. I loved watching him construct it and the garment fit SO DAMN WELL! And the bag covered with Good ‘n Plenty? Brilliant!
I find Jillian to be incredibly annoying, more so than Christian. The hubby liked Jillian’s garment, but solely because she used actual candy. Christian may be annoying and think highly of himself, but he is is hilarious. My favorite moment? When Kevin told the camera he was going to kill Christian.
jcc 17 years ago
I giggled with glee while watching Victorya’s little world expand with a brand new idea: that not everyone agrees that she and everything she designs is perfect. Ice Princess, indeed!
Laura K 17 years ago
Best episode yet! This season is looking up.
R.Kitty 17 years ago
Though I liked some of the designs I am still bored by everyone this season. Why can’t they just MAKE IT WORK!?
khazar 17 years ago
I personally despise VictorYa and that ghastly mess she sent down the runway. Ice Princess? Maybe Toilet Paper Princess, or MaxiPad-and-Gumwrapper Princess. Sigh… I miss Elisa and her otherworldliness already.
Melissa B. 17 years ago
I knew Elisa would not last to the Final 3, but I really don’t think she deserved to go home on Wednesday. Sweet P’s design was utterly dull and Victorya managed to evoke the hated “French maid” vibe without even using black and white. I think Sweet P should have been auf’d. I’m tired of her phony faux innocence too, gemdiva!
Stevarino 17 years ago
“My favorite moment? When Kevin told the camera he was going to kill Christian.”
I believe Kevin was saying he was going to “auf” Christian, not “off” him. It was a delightful pun, I think.
Kate Cavendish 17 years ago
I don’t like Zac Posen’s clothes, as I’ve noted on my blog. But now there’s a reason to dislike the person? Maybe he needs his own category on the Manolo’s site, akin to Lagerfeld’s “Pure Evil”?
Daniela 17 years ago
Perhaps Monsieur Kors is either avoiding the Mystic Tan shop, or he has given up his precarious addiction to carrots. He looks better than previous.
I think I am in the minority when I tell you that I loved Christian’s creations from the past couple of weeks (the weight loss redo and the wrapper dress.) I do not care for his ‘more fabulous than thou’ attitude, but I do think that he poses as a valuable character for this season on the snark-level.
I would like to beat Victorya about the head with one of the accessories. Seriously, anyone can make a shapeless sack better than she. I’m tired of her design profile already. She needs to go.
I do not like Ricky’s designs; I hate his hat collection. Jillian simply whines too much for my liking, but I somewhat like the clothes she wears (except the overalls and shorts) rather than the clothes she designs. I like Chris and especially loved his design this week. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with now that he has taken everyone’s advice and “pulled back” from the costume design. Sweet P needs to stop acting like everyone’s crazy aunt and stop relying on everyone else for their opinion. The first dress she made this week with the broken plate would have worked better than the trash she threw out on the runway. Ugly appliques and all. I think she would’ve scored points for innovation with the plate. Kat is just too middle-of-the road to be voted off the island just yet, but she hasn’t really stood out and will likely grow to bore the judges. I am very happy that Elisa is finally off of the show with her inability to verbalize dictionary-worthy adjectives (what the hell does “fwahhh” mean? However, “I infuse it with my essence” has now become one of my favorite lines from the show.)
My absolute favorites this season are Rami and Kevin. I like Rami’s quiet seriousness and exquisite work for the time allotted. The man pays attention to detail and as he said, looks to fit a variety of body profiles. Kevin just has that badass rock vibe and is consistently turning out lovely designs. I definitely think they will be in the top 3.
Anna 17 years ago
I really agree with everything Manolo says today.
I sincerely hope Kevin is in the top 3 with Rami. However, I am very concerned that for entertainment purposes, Christian will be in the top 3 instead.
Also, I must have missed that part when Kevin said he would “auf” Christian, so I can’t wait for a rerun!
MercyX 17 years ago
Totally agree with the Manolo on the assessment of the final 4/3. I can’t imagine any of the others making it that far with the possible exception of Chris. I like Kit’s vibe but she’s done nothing amazing so far, is not a judges pet, and isn’t obnoxious enough to make good tv. All the rest just need to GO. It’s a pity that Sweet P, Victorya and Ricky made it on at all because they’re bringing the whole level of competition down several notches. Shame, that.
JC 17 years ago
Hear, hear! And did anyone else notice that Jillian was dressed exactly like Gallagher this episode?
Daniela 17 years ago
Perhaps we should send a watermelon and a giant mallet?
milky 17 years ago
Who agrees with me??? i believe Jillian has a crush on Rami? what was with that wink???
Tammy 17 years ago
Rami is HOT! I get the chills every time he’s on the screen..
step aside Jillian, He’s mine!