Project Runway 4, Renunion Show

Manolo says, the reunion shows, they are always so boring, with the tedious and contrived confrontations, the sad outtakes, and those lame “greatest hits” montages. Tim: “Designers, Ms. Mamie Kerpslach of Abilene, Kansas writes in to ask if Nina Garcia is really the bitch she seems to be on the show. Well, Mamie, the producers have put together this montage of Nina, dressed head-to-toe in Chloé, biting the heads off of live sparrows to prove that it’s all an act.” Please, spare the Manolo from such maudlin and sentimental, phony-baloney moments. Better to get on with the cat fighting right…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I know how you feel about there being no season for white shoes, but what about suede? Can I wear a suede sandal year-round? Gigi Manolo says, suede in the morning, suede in the evening, suede in the summer time. The Manolo loves the suede; it is one of his favorite materials for the less than formal shoes. Durable, tactile, frequently luxurious, often beautiful, this is suede at its best. Yes, it is true, some peoples who live in the distant past of…


Manolo’s Thursday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… The Official Beverly Feldman Blog! Like most bad things, it began with a good idea. Laskin is seeking $7 million from Crocs, who still refuses to put a warning label on their product, despite widespread reports of similar accidents.


Beverly Feldman for The Spring Time

Manolo says, this spring, the Manolo has decided that he (along with many of the major shoe designers) will be all about the beautiful, flowery, girly sandals. Obviously, the Manolo’s friend Beverly Feldman has taken this message of blossoms and boughs to heart, for here is the Ondine, the super cute, super fantastic, kitten heel flowery sandal. It is wonderfully cheerful, no?


That Guy Returns

Manolo says, in December the Manolo posted the infamous That Guy or the Diamonds commercial, which elicited over one hundred comments from the Manolo’s internet friends. And now, here are two more, of the that guy commercials. So, dear readers of the Manolo, these guys or the diamonds? For the Manolo, the dog grooming and the pedicure giving fall under the category of “best handled by professionals”, so the diamonds win. But there is also nothing as romantic, as personal, or as welcome as receiving the handwritten letter of love from one who adores you, certainly not diamonds and pedicures…


Blahnik Flowered Sandals to Hasten the Arrival of Spring

Manolo says, gaze upon these beautiful flowery sandals from the atelier of the Maestro Manolo Blahnik and contemplate the arrival of spring, which at this minute seems so very far away.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… The Manolo found this Juno movie to be exceptionally annoying, more than the little manipulative, and yet also somewhat moving. The worst and falsest part of this movie was the first ten minutes, in which the Office man pretended to be the sharp-tongued pharmacist who engaged in the witty banter about pregnancy tests with the precociously annoying Juno. Note to the budding screenwriters: please, keep this sort of thing to yourself. The Manolo does not require more ironically ironic irony to be piled onto…


President’s Day Special Shoes

Manolo says, here are the two shoes that properly celebrate the Day of the Presidents. Above is the Washington from Betsey Johnson, shown here in the color of the silver dollar George Washington threw across the Potomoc River. This is the Lincoln from Stuart Weitzman, the shiny-penny-colored driving moccasin.


Ayyyyy! Monday Puzzle Corner!

Manolo says, it is time again for the Monday Puzzle Corner. This week, Movie Presidents!


The New Knight Rider?

Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have been writing to the Manolo to ask what he thinks of the new Knight Rider movie that is being shown on the television this night. Yes, the magnificent Hasselhoff, one of the greatest actors of his generation, will be appearing in the cameo role, however the lead will be played by someone else, which is the travesty of all that is right and holy. How can one have the Knight Rider movie without having Michael Knight and the original KITT? It is ridiculous. That is all the Manolo has to say,…


The Manolo Week in Review

Manolo says, here is the best of the previous week from the Manolosphere. Spiritfingers… From the moment her gentle but experienced hands clasped around his postmodern cool aura, Quentin knew he had found his longlife muse and partner. Raincoaster… That’s “cliff” to us landlubbers. Mr. Henry… Please, Barack, if it didn’t work for the Mahatma, will it work for you? Twistie… Before you can start making serious plans for your wedding, there’s one thing it’s smart to do: decide on the other person who will stand at the altar with you. Glinda… I quit my job shortly after having the…



Manolo says, ayyyy! It is the Mariah Carey New Album Pop Quiz!