Prada Corallo Oro, Summer 2008

Manolo says, winter still has its icy fingers around our collective throats, but that is not reason to dream of the day when you will be free of this pestilential weather. And when that blessed day arrives, you will walk out onto the warm sand, in shoes that make you feel like the Greek Goddess, shoes such as these beautiful Corallo Oro sandals from Prada.


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Valentine’s Day is coming next week and my husband is taking me out to a romantic dinner at a very expensive restaurant. I’ve got my little black dress, but I need some shoes that are suitably sexy. Please help. Janice Manolo says, Ayyyy! It is the Day of Valentine, one of the most potentially dangerous and depressing days in the entire calendar. Those who do not have the beloveds are cast down into the pits of gloomy morosity. While those who do have…


Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Manolo says, Happy Lunar New Year!!!! May the New Year bring the readers of the Manolo abundant prosperity and much happiness! Look, it is the year of the Rat Shoes! P.S. Spirit Fingers offers you her own version of the New Year’s blessings.


Project Runway 4, Episode Ten

Manolo says, Ayyyyyy! Lady wrestlers! Spandex! Tim Gunn! This challenge, to make the costumes for the modern-day Fabulous Moolahs, out of spandex and spangles, was completely ridiculous and yet also terribly entertaining. And nothing was more delightful than the lady wrestlers themselves. Yes, they were tacky, with their giant fake breasts, tanning-booth tans, and rigorously gym-toned bodies, but they were also lively and funny and seemed to be genuinely happy. When they entered the sewing room it was as if the lights were turned on, making everything brighter and sharper. Query: Were the lady wrestlers sexy? Answer: No. The wrestling…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Miley Cyrus! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, Queenofalot1, who was the first to correctly answer this very difficult challenge.


Sergio Rossi Studded Sandals

Manolo says, much to your chagrin, your color consultant has identified you as the “mid-autumn trending to Indian summer”, even though you have spent the last fifteen years completely convinced you were the “late spring, with the touch of crocuses.” And now, thanks to this disaster, you must empty your closet of the lavenders and robin egg blues, and replace them with earth tones and warm oranges. But first you need something to make you feel better about this shocking turn of the events, something that is both gorgeous and earth toney…look! Here are the absolutely gorgeous strappy, studded sandals…


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Puzzle Corner Monday: Celebrity Dogs

Manolo says, yes, it is Tuesday, but the loss of our Monday postings has meant that the Manolo can repost this item today. Look, the Spirit Fingers has the latest installment in her weekly Puzzle Corner feature. This week you are invited to identify the Celebrity Dogs!


The Crash of the Manolosphere

Manolo says, ayyyyyy! Yesterday evening, the entire Manolosphere came down crashing! However after many hours, and much heartbreak, the technical peoples were able to restore the various blogs of the Manolo to the internets. Sadly, you will notice that the postings at this blog from Sunday and Monday are now missing, as are your comments on those posts. Many apologies for this, but the pontifex maximus of the technicians has assured the Manolo that only the sacrifice of these things will appease the capricious gods of the internet.


Manolo’s Friday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… And just in case people in the Third World don’t hate the West enough. Francesca is fascinated to know that one can have one’s boots professionally stretched. It was only a matter of time before men’s shoes gained a similar status.


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’m a new stay-at-home mom living in the suburbs and I need a good shoe to go with my new lifestyle. In the summer, there are lots of chic flats and sandals, but here in the middle of winter I’m at a loss. Please help. Allison Manolo says, it is true, before the birth of the first child, you were the footloose and free fancy young person with the time and energy to do as you pleased. Now, after the arrival of your…