The Manolo Week in Review

Manolo says, here is the best of the week from the Manolosphere.


Remember Tang? It’s what we had before we had SunnyD. Old people remember Tang, and the thing we remember best about it is that the astronauts had Tang in their space ships, and so we wanted it.


La primera vez que los ví no fueron de mis favoritos, recuerdo que desde el principio los llamé “andamios” porque su tacón me recordaba a esas estructuras que hay en el exterior de los edificios y creo que ha fuerza de verlos decidí cogerles cariño y hasta decir ¡Qué bonitos!

Mr. Henry…

Walt Disney World is America’s #1 tourist destination – a vast Orwellian shining city in the swamp brimming with bratty English schoolchildren spitting insults at cowed, permissive parents, with tattooed teenagers trying desperately to pretend they aren’t walking beside uncool parents, and with grinning sunburned, foot-weary pilgrims of pleasure plodding on and on and on.


There is all this hand-wringing about how computers and video games are ruining our kids, but my son loves nothing more than playing in the mud. I wish I was kidding.


I was in my twenties when I first heard of wedding planners. My first thought was ‘what a ridiculous idea!’ because it never occurred to me that anyone would need someone to tell them how to get married.


The pickup skirt is “in” these days among many designers.


Last night as I was glamorously soaking my feet in my equally glamorous beige Rubbermaid dishtub full of epsom-salted water and rose oil (ignore the old-folk associations, epsom salt soaks are brilliant)…

Spirit Fingers…

Despite all the attention and service being lavished on him, why does Quentin Tarantino look so unimpressed at his joint birthday bash with Fergie?


Es mil veces más chic llevar un Marc Jacobs (de carne y hueso) que un chihuahua

Never teh Bride…

If you, like me, have more books than you know what to do with but aren’t willing to donate them to a books for teachers program, then you may just have more than a passing interest in bookshelves.

Isidore Gallant…

Robert Redford costumed himself as an old-fashioned school teacher…


Los amantes del trabajo de Scott Schuman, mejor conocido como The Sartorialist, podrán satisfacer sus bajas pasiones y placeres culpables con el suplemento especial dedicado a las modelos dentro de la majestuosa niña mimada de Carine Roitfeld, VOGUE París.