The Manolo Week in Review

Manolo says, here is the best of the week from the Manolosphere.


El amor de mi vida, como príncipe de cuento de hadas, cruzó la pasarela luchando contra otros “guerreros” del staff que le lanzaban infames injurias: “¡Sin pisar la pasarela, por favooooorrrrrrrr!”.


¡¡En Manolo Moda nos gustan los zapatos!!

Isidore Gallant…

As a proponent of judiciously chosen ornament, Izzy thinks this is happy news.


Everywhere I turn it seems that women are plucking their eyebrows into tiny squiggles that look like –and I’m sure you’ll pardon my indelicacy– the “boy” part of the boy-meets-girl part of the fertilization story. Not alluring.

Mr. Henry…

Mr. Henry rarely makes a sauce without adding some spirit or other. More often than not, however, he pours not from the bottle but from the chef’s personal glass.


Francesca tries to remember that “Big Girl” can refer not only to the woman of generous tummy or hips, but also to the Girl of Great Height.


Watching too many wedding reality shows can do strange things to your head.


Many people are like slinkies – not really good for anything, but you can’t help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.

Never teh Bride…

My then soon-to-be sister-in-law was the first to speak up, saying, “You know that mom once lived in a trailer, right?”


Tome usted un actor y director de cine con extraordinario talento y atractivo físico, agruegue el par de Manolos de su preferencia y súmele una costumbre rara por vestirse de mujer. Para finalizar mezcle todo y sírvalo a un periodista de prensa rosa ¿Qué obtiene?


When I brought my newborn home, I thought all was perfect and well with the world. And it was. For the first eight hours.

Spirit Fingers…

Evidently this dog must be another one of those moviegoers who were severely bothered by the historical inaccuracies of The Other Boleyn Girl.