Never teh Bride in the New York Post!

Manolo says, the Manolosphere’s own treasured wedding-expert diva, the Never teh Bride (a.k.a. Christa Terry) has been interviewed for the article in the New York Post! “Given the state of the economy, people are seeing that it’s smarter to use money they would’ve spent on their wedding on more useful, permanent things like buying a house or a new car,” says Christa Terry, author of “iDo: Planning Your Wedding with Nothing but ‘Net.” Terry says New Yorkers – who spend an average of $46,000 on their nuptials – are getting in on the trend. […] There are plenty of other…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’ve recently started a new job as an auto mechanic, and I need to find steel-toed boots that are actually fun, not the same, boring black that every guy in the shop wears. Most importantly, they need to protect my toes from being smushed by things like a brake disk or transmission. Can you help? Lauren Manolo says, thanks to the ubiquity of B movies and bad music videos, everyone in America knows about the lady auto mechanics, who are always introduced to…