Dior Boots for the Monday
Manolo says, it is the Monday following the Fourth of July weekend and you are back at your desk, heavily sunburned, your hair still smelling of gunpowder and antiseptic balm.
Thanks to your husband, it was “the weekend to remember”.
Indeed how could you ever forget that headline in the Saturday morning newspaper, “Fireworks Hijinks Send Local Man to Emergency Room.”
“Well, it could be worse,” you think to yourself, “at least they managed to sew them back on.”
Still, your nerves are jittery, you think you might be slightly deafened in one ear, and your co-workers are sniggering behind your back about “Billy Ray’s” latest misadventures with the explosives.
You are tempted to stand up and shout, “Yes, his middle name is Ray, but he goes by William, dammit! Not Billy Ray! And he’s a good man!” But you know that it will do no good for they are louts and malcontents and petty peoples with no respect for those who dream big.
Oh, how you will have the last laugh on them, when your man clears that final technical hurdle and solves the difficult problem of turning kudzu into the cheap ethanol-based fuel.
“Think of it, honey,” he says to you so often, ” two birds with one stone! Kudzu and OPEC gone forever!”
You have already promised yourself that on that day you will march into the office and quit in the most spectacular, bridge-burning..no, no… BRIDGE-EXPLODING manner possible.
Naturally you will need your marching boots, something extravagant like these gorgeous python-print knee-high boots from Dior!
Miss Janey 17 years ago
MIss Janey so looks froward to her The Manolo’s weekly “It’s Monday” post. Uh, oh. Miss J must sign off. Here comes The Man. Even in his summer suit he is oppressive to his lackeys.
roz 17 years ago
The Manolo knew the preppy guy fantasies were too far from reality for the Roz. Billy Ray is a lot closer to the truth.
Evie 17 years ago
From one who is the better (and slightly more sane) half to a professional pyro, the Manolo speaks the truth! Mr. Evie wears plenty of safety gear, and yet every July 5th the relatives check him for missing fingers. Naturally, perhaps because of my faith in his ability to keep his appendages firmly attached, I rather enjoy the mad scientist vibe of his chosen occupation…
roz 17 years ago
You know, I wasn’t thinking of fingers when I read “at least they managed to sew them back on.”
Mizz Tissa 17 years ago
The Manolo always puts a smile on my face each Monday. William, as he prefers, manages to save his digits for another year of celebration, yet the lighter fluid mishap left his eyebrows a tad thin…
Poochie 17 years ago
Ha! My husband is upset because the thought HE was the one who thought up the kudzu-fuel idea.
Maybe he’ll discover it and I can then get those boots!
Matthew Kimel 17 years ago
Good to know you had a good forth of July!
Gerri 17 years ago
Lawdy Lawdy! Too Fab to not own .
Luv your site.
Dani 17 years ago
My husband has a hobby such that he has a low explosives user permit from the BATF. He hasn’t lost fingers due to fireworks, but he almost blew the door off the wood-burning stove using rocket propellant for a fire starter.
I think I need, nay, DESERVE these boots!
class-factotum 17 years ago
Glad to know it’s not just my sweetie who cackles, “Heh-heh. Fire. Heh-heh. Fire.”
Always In Style 17 years ago
Once again the Manolo, he speaks the truth. Amen my Father, you have delivered me from my office cubicle and catapulted me into the divine Ms. Thang that I will transform into once I get my grubby mitts on those boots.
Aisha 17 years ago
Nice boots. :) Actually, I have a similiar pair from Stuart Weitzman already. I think the SW pair is shinier.