Tahari Tuesday

Elie Tahari Brielle Thong Sandals    Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, it is Spring! And what could be springier than frivolously fantastic sparkly pink thong sandals from Elie Tahari?


Ayyyy! Monday Puzzle Corner

Manolo says, this week, the Spirit Fingers invites us to identify the boy idols before the went bad.


Stuart Weitzman for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desking working…working for the weekend. Indeed, everybody is working for the weekend, everybody wants the little romance, and everybody need the second chance.

And you know, it is still as true today as it was in 1981.

Only now, the weekends you are working for are very different.

Instead of spending most of the Saturday afternoon teasing up your hair with Aquanet, and encasing yourself in the red nauguahyde mini-dress, in preparation for what Loverboy refered to as “the show, Baby let´s go!”, now you get up early, put on your mom jeans and sweatshirt and go to the garden shop, where you argue with your husaband about the necessity of buying the industrial-sized jug of Round-up. (Gary wants to, quote, “take off and nuke the site from orbit.” While you take the more live-and-let-live attitude towards the crabgrass.)

Ayyyy! Once, you pretended you were the second coming of Laura Brannigan, now your highest aspiration is ecologically sound lawn care!


Still, it has always been thus, no? One day, we are young and defiant and full glamourous dreams involving unusually large hair, and the next (if we are lucky) we are living the mostly comfortable life of the middle-aged person.

Of the course, this does not mean that we should roll over and play dead, does it? You deserve to live the little, get out of the comfort zone briefly. There are worse things then possibly looking foolish, no?

Look at your divorced friend Cindy. Everyone was making fun of her for wearing the cowboy boots with the short black dress, and yet, here is the postcard from her, talking about how she and Andy (you remember him?) went to dinner last week with Mel Gibson out in Malibu!

You know what you need right now? Red shoes. Red shoes with the peep toes, and you need to make Gary take you dancing this weekend. Let him poison the whole neighborhood, for all you care, as long as you get your disco adventure!

Look, here is the Max from Stuart Weitzman! And it is on the sale!

from Stuart Weitzman    Manolo Likes!  Click!


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo´s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

I am going to LA in April to visit an old high-school boyfriend, whom I haven´t seen in almost 28 years. He has proposed various outings at the beach, rollerblading on the boardwalk, climbing in the mountains, and visiting clubs in Malibu, but alas! I am the NY girl and possess very few action/adventure type shoes. What should I wear?


Manolo says, Ayyyy! The Perfect Chick Flick!

Our heroine (to be played by Diane Lane) has reached the Age of the Middle with the typical sort of romantic scars. Perhaps the Mr. Right has never come along, or perhaps he whom she thought was Mr. Right turned out to be Mr. Having-It-Off-With-the-Co-Worker.

Either way, in the opening scene she is alone, just her, the television, and the giant bowl of Rocky Road, when she notices that the name of the composer of the heartfelt and soaring music which accompanies the latest film vesion of the minor Jane Austen classic bears the name suspiciously similar to that of her first boyfriend.

“I mean, come on, how many Andrew W. Gabblefarbs can there be, right?”

Ten minutes, and one furious session of Google-fu later, and she has the email!

Cut to the parking lot outside of the Moonshadows Lounge, on the Pacific Coast Highway, where, following the full day of rollerblading up the side of the Santa Monica Mountains, her rediscovered love, Andy, taller and handsomer than ever, has taken her for the nightcap. As he helps her into the passenger side of his spotless Bentley, he steals the sly kiss… powerfully reciprocated!

Fade to black.

What can be more action/adventure than the cowboy boot, which is also very “of the moment” in Los Angeles. Here is the N4539 5/4 from Lucchese, perfert to pair with jeans, or barelegged with the short black dress.
Lucchese Cowboy Boots...Action...Adventure... Romance... Manolo Likes!   Click!

Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes?

Hugh Jackman...So totally hunkalicious!

Manolo answers, it is that delicious bit of man-candy, Hugh Jackman!

Congratulations to the Manolo´s internet friend, Angela, who got the answer straight away, on the first try.

Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?