The Manolo Twitters

Manolo says, if you have not yet signed up for the Manolo’s Twitter feed you are missing out on some tasty 140 character amusement.

Here are the few sample of recent Manolo tweets.

To the man with the bowl-shaped, salt & pepper toupee: Sir, you are not even fooling yourself, much less the MILF you are attempting to woo


Your hairpiece says, “Look at me! I am virile and confident in my behairedness” Her body language suggests, “I would rather not, kthxbai”


And now the hottie MILF has left, leaving Toupee Man to contemplate his game. Sir, if the Manolo may suggest somthing: Bald is Beautiful.


SYTYCD observation: Marie Osmond + Ethel Merman – Singing Ability = Mary Murphy


Re the movie Funny People: because everyone loves those movies where the famous comedians get to be all maudlin & sappy sentimental.


The commercial for the Julie & Julia movie? Ayyyy! This will undoubtedly make the Manolo’s agent very, very jealous


Zappos is the excellent customer service company, truly one of the best on all the internets. Amazon customer service? In the word: Meh.


Trust the Manolo, If Neil Armstrong had worn these boots in 1969, we would now have the permanent base on the moon…


Three things that have broken the Manolo’s heart: ugly tattoos on beautiful women, La Boheme, Kirk Gibson


Intimate Gymnastics? What is that? ….. …. Ayyyyyyy!

Hurry, go sign up for the Manolo’s Twitterings.