Happy Anniversary! Five Years of the Manolo’s Shoe Blog!!

Manolo says, who could have imagined that five years ago today, when the Manolo made his first post, that he would still be here, still attempting to bring the beauty of shoes to his many and diverse friends. In 2004, when the Manolo began his shoeblogging odyssey, there were very few other fashion blogs to be found on the interweb, and now as the Manolo once had hoped, there are dozens of shoe blogs and thousands of fashion blogs from all sorts of people, blogging from all sorts of perspectives. This is perhaps the most amazing thing of all, that…


Manolo the Columnist: Tula from La Canadienne

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo I’m off to study abroad in fabulous London for five months beginning this January. My travel books tell me to expect rain, rain, rain, but my beloved Pucci wellies neither fit into my suitcase nor the London fashion scene. Do you have any suggestions for some fab footwear that will get me from my flat to class (then maybe off to Soho for some shopping) and through all of the puddles in between? I’m looking for something under $200…after all, a girl needs…