The Miami from Bernardo

Manolo says, the summer it is almost here, and you know what that means…time for the Bernardo sandals! Why, if they are good enough for the Jackie O to have owned 16 pairs for her size eleventy feets they are good enough for your much daintier toes.


The Manolo on Facebook

The Manolo reminds you that he has finally become part of the social media revolution, the one in which the whole world becomes BFF through the medium of the electronic “wall” postings. Naturally, he would be most honored if you would consider Facebookically befriending him.


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… The Manolo commends to you the oeuvre of the French prankster Rémi Gaillard, who is sort of like Johnny Knoxville only more impish and surreal, and much, much funnier. For the example, the last minute of this video made the Manolo laugh so hard that he had to wipe away the tears… And the next prank is so irresistibly sweet and funny…


Gucci Drew Patent Leather Sandals For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk and noting that the frantic scramble to reserve the annual vacation times has already nearly passed you by. Luckily, you managed to snag your customary dates of the second and third weeks of July, when you and Gary traditionally take the kids to the lake for two weeks of sunburn, poison ivy, and undercooked hamburgers. Not so lucky was Jessica, the habitually crabby lady who works two cubicles over, who when she went to put her name on the roster discovered that Jeannie the New Girl had already…


Jeremy Scott Bone Heels

Manolo says, yes, yes, Wilma and Betty, etc, etc. And yet, even as we acknowledge the debt designer Jeremy Scott has paid to the people at Hanna-Barbera, we must also note that these shoes, although amusing, are only half as amusing as they think they are. For the Manolo, they are perhaps too obvious, the joke perhaps too labored. Or perhaps the real problem is that the Manolo wonders about the circumstances in which one could wear these peculiar shoes. Part of what made the famous Marc Jacobs mouse shoes so wonderful was that they were casual shoes, which mean…


Manolo’s Friday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… For me knock-offs are like tracing the images of comic books. Someone else did the hard work and you just traced it and didn’t have to come up with an original thought. Derelicte!!! The thing is, I have absolutely no idea WHY I feel like someone locked me in a portapotty filled with angry badgers, I just do.


Manolo the Columnists: Moschino Platform Sandals

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My family is very traditional. Every year on Easter Sunday we get dressed up in new clothes and go to church, followed by a big dinner at my parents’ home in Virginia. This year I’ve selected a pale yellow shift. Can you recommend something fun and stylish to go with it? Trisha Manolo says, oh how the Manolo loves the spring time! Why, just the few weeks ago, we were in the midst of the twin disasters of the Snowmageddon and the Snopocalypse,…


Spring Has Come With Love to Town!

Manolo sings… Lenten ys come with loue to toune, With blosmen ant with briddes roune, That al this blisse bryngeth. Dayeseyes in this dales, Notes suete of nyhtegales, Vch foul song singeth. The threstelcoc him threteth oo; Away is huere wynter wo When woderoue springeth. his foules singeth ferly fele Ant wlyteth on huere wynne wele That al the wode ryngeth. The rose rayleth hire rode; The leues on the lyhte wode Waxen al with wille. The mone mandeth hire bleo; The lilie is lossom to seo, The fenyle ant the fille. Wowes this wilde drakes, Miles murgeth huere makes…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Jennifer Love Hewitt! Congratulations to the ChimChim, the multiple times winner, for once again being the first person to correctly identify this week’s celebrity of note.


Things Teeny Manolo Loves

Manolo says, indeed, who does not love the Captain Underpants?


The Manolo on Facebook

The Manolo reminds you that he is now on the Facebook. He would be most happy and honored if you would consider making him your special Facebook ‘friend’.