The Love Marriage
Manolo says, and now to make up for the Manolo’s absence, he gives you the incomparable Wilbur Sargunaraj, destined to be perhaps the greatest superstar ever produced by the internets.
Manolo says, and now to make up for the Manolo’s absence, he gives you the incomparable Wilbur Sargunaraj, destined to be perhaps the greatest superstar ever produced by the internets.
Manolo says, apologies from the Manolo for abandoning you today. The Manolo has been under the weather with the hacking chest cold, and he spent much of the day in bed.
Manolo asked, whose shoes?
Manolo answers, it is the Catherine Zeta-Jones!
Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, the exceptionally perceptive Spritle, who was the first to correctly identify this golf-loving person of note.