Manolo’s Friday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… The best of the best. Look at the criss cross of the leg pose – a staple of every starlet and model worth her salt. […] If Tyra catches a glimpse of this photo, she will surely crown him America’s Next Top Model. Gabriel Byrne seemingly cannot be stopped!


Manolo the Columnist: Tiriolo by Bruno Magli

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My husband has planned a trip for us to Paris in May. It will be my first time in the city and I, of course, would like to look as smashing as possible (so as not to be outdone by those fashionable French women). The problem is, I am a very short girl and I always wear heels when I’m out. I understand that, given the amount of walking that one is likely to do during their first trip to Paris, heels may…