Best Dressed at the Emmys: The Manolo’s List

Manolo says, here are the Manolo’s favorites from the Carpet of Red from the last evening. Susan Sarandon… This is the lovely, restrained, classic black gown, with the proper amount of glamour, and unlike many of her most recent outfits, does not display her magnficent Sofia-Lorenesque bosom overly much in the vulgar manner. . Emily Deschanel… Few are the times the Manolo can recall bangs working for such the august occasion, but here they go marvelously with Emily Deschanel’s tiered purple gown. The look is fun without being silly. .


The Emmys: Special Letting Yourself Go Edition!

Manolo says, among the trends the Manolo detected at the Awards of the Emmys last evening was the peoples who’ve decided to just say “the Hell with it.” Krya Sedgwick reports that Louis Licari was was all booked up. Well, at least the Beau Bridges dyed his eyebrows. No pre-awards show purging for the Rita Wilson.


The Emmys: Special Older Lady Pantsuit Edition!

Manolo says, among the trends the Manolo detected at the Awards of the Emmys last evening was the older lady pantsuit! Ann-Margaret in Black! Sharon Gless in white! Cindy Lauper…might the Manolo make the suggestion?