Loeffler Randall Paige Mesh Sandals for the Tuesday

Manolo says, all of this Galliano-based agita is making the Manolo want to go to his happy place….

Loeffler Randall Paige Mesh SandalsLoeffler Randall Paige Mesh Sandals

In the Manolo’s Land of the Beautiful Shoes, it is always sunny and the people are always kind and considerate of others. And some of the most stylish ladies will be wearing the Paige Mesh Sandals from Loeffler Randall in nude, and others in the zebra.


Repulsive Little Fashion Troll, Part 2

Manolo says, the Manolo’s friend Linda Grant has written the consideration of the scandale Galliano for today’s Guardian in which she determines it is all about the transgression.

According to fashion journalist Melanie Rickey, of the Fashion Editor at Large blog and Grazia, for years the industry has pushed Galliano to greater and greater extremes: “All everyone has ever wanted from John is transgressive fashion, and to use his excessive ideas to sell nice handbags and perfumes,” she says. And once you are set on a path to break taboos, it is almost impossible to find new ideas. So how on earth do you shock, when you have already exhausted S&M dungeons for ideas for haute couture? The great taboo in France and Germany is antisemitism. On this ground Jews were murdered or transported to be murdered. Watching the video of Galliano slumped alone at his bar table hurling insults at a woman who evidently asked why he didn’t make clothes that all women could wear, he spits out rage. She is ugly, he loves Hitler, he invokes the gas chambers. It’s a toxic mix of hate-speech, of racism and misogyny. How is it possible to go further than this?

Crazy, Transgressive, or Shitheel?

If you are breaker of taboos, then antisemitism is only another taboo, no different from any other. It’s the saying of the unsayable. It has become the last frontier for those demanding freedom of speech, for whom everything, even the Holocaust, is fair game. Is Galliano an actual antisemite who hates Jews? Who knows what passes through his mind, but by invoking the name of Hitler and gloating about the gas chambers, he is only doing what others have always paid him to do: shock.

It’s Galliano’s fortune and misfortune to have been named as a genius. He wants to go to the S&M clubs of the Parisian underworld and bring back chains and put it over a black leather bag and call the bag Bondage? Why not? Who would dare tell him that he has no idea what he is talking about when he says he loves Hitler, or that there is something the matter with abusing women in bars? Around him are innumerable yes men and women, bowing to his great thoughts.

Perhaps there is something to this notion of fashionable transgression taken too far. It is not as if the Manolo has not been railing for the past half decade against transgressive gestures that no longer transgress. (Here is the Manolo expressing his boredom with the Vivienne Westwood collection filled with the Nazi imagery.)

However, the Manolo thinks that perhaps the cringe-making Woody Allen quote found by the Manolo’s friend Ed Driscoll, is closer to the mark.

“Talent is absolutely luck,” he said one day while talking about his early fear of performing. “And no question that the most import thing in the world is courage. People worship talent and it’s so ridiculous. Talent is something you’re born with, like Kareem [Abdul-Jabbar] is born tall. That’s why so many talented people are shitheels.

Certainly, this judgment would seem to be applicable in the case of the repulsive little fashion troll, John Galliano.


Jake Gyllenhaal’s Overly Groomed Eyebrows and Incipient Soup Strainer

Jake Gyllenhaals Eyebrows Run Amok!


Manolo says, you know it was the boring Academy Awards when the best thing the Manolo can find to criticize is the facial hair of the uber-masculine, super-heterosexual, manly-man-who-broke-the-formerly-virginal-Taylor-Swift’s-heart-with-his-high-testosterone-levels Jake Gyllenhaal.


FN Shoe Star Rebecca Taylor Challenge Sneak Peak

Manolo says, this past week the FN Shoe Star unveiled the first challenge for the six contestants.

In this challenge, they were introduced to the designer Rebecca Taylor, shown her latest collection, and then given ten minutes to sketch the shoe for that collection.

Now, although there is no video for this week, the FN Shoe Star peoples are running the contest for the fans of the series to pick the best of these sketches and possibly win the $250 gift certificate from the

In general, the quality of the sketches was not bad, although the Manolo would have enjoyed seeing what colors and materials the designers would have chosen.

However, having said that, here is the Manolo’s favorite of the six…

Shannons Sketch for FN Shoe Star

But now, you must go and pick your favorite and enter to win the $250 prize.


The Manolosphere!

Manolo says, the Manolo politely reminds you that there is much entertainment to be had at the newest blogs of the Manolosphere: Crafty Manolo, Manolo for the Beauty, Green Manolo, and Manolo Jewelry are all worthy of your time and attention.