FN Shoe Star, Episode 11
Manolo says, and now the 11th episode of the FN Shoe Star is available on the line for your viewing pleasure.
In this episode, as the Manolo had predicted, the Hyojin was shown the door and given the rocker-shoe boot.
However, it was not the Manolo’s choice, Rachel, who was declared the winner, but Matthew. He was chosen because the judges believed he had accomplished the impossible goal of making the toner-shoe that could potentially trick some unlucky man into purchasing it.
Other than the predicted loser and the unpredicted winner, there is not much else to report, except that the celebrity judge, the fabulously successful Tom’s Shoe Guy, Blake Mycoskie, knows next to nothing about the shoes.
He does not know the shoes, but what the Blake Mycoskie does know is the marketing to the young peoples in the way that makes them feel good about paying wildly inflated prices for the cheap Argentine peasant shoes.
The same Tom’s alpargatas that sell for $44 in America, can be purchased in Buenos Aires for less than $6, retail..

Blake Mycoskie, Capitalist, Philanthropist, Dude
And, yes, the Manolo knows that your first-world guilt is assuaged by knowing that the adorably hunky Blake is helping the poor children by giving them the one pair for every pair you buy (while pocketing the remaining $30, minus the expenses).
Such beneficence!
Would it not be better, asks the Manolo, to buy the mostly identical shoes which are $30 cheaper and give the difference to the charity of your choice? There are many peoples who are much more efficient at delivering the help to those who need it than the dudely self-promoter with the nice smile and the big mark up.
But, that is just the crazy thought from the Manolo, who likes to keep his conspicuous consumption separate from his private charity giving.
MaryB 14 years ago
I’m sad about Hyojin because I really liked all the rest of her shoes and would have liked to see more. But this one was ugly as sin.
Leah 14 years ago
Matthew won because his shoe was so boring no one could object to it. Even Kasey Gibbs seemed not really sure why Matthew won. The lead up was the judges talking about how the contestants could play it safe, but taking risks could yield greater reward. They should have headed their own advice. No one’s shoe was stellar, but at least Shannon and Rachel had clear design choices and had put thought and innovation into their shoes- just just pop-can tabs.
Here’s hoping the wedding challenge will present something pretty.
14 years ago
Matthew’s shoe did at least appear to be the best constructed, if not the most imaginative.
Bronwyn 14 years ago
The espadrilles the Manolo recommends we buy may be inexpensive, but the cost of transporting them is extortionate.