Burberry Platform Sandals for the Thursday

Burberry Leather Platform Sandals

Manolo says, the weekend, it has almost arrived, and you have the big plans, oh yes, you, Little Miss Quiet-in-the-Corner, have the big plans, very big plans, indeed: dining, dancing, canoodling, the whole romantic magilla.

But, you will need shoes, beautiful simple shoes that will perfectly accent the simple pale dress you have selected for this evening of amour.

Look! Burberry platform sandals, in the mysterious “smoked trench” color! Perfect!

Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer

Manolo asked, whose shoes?

Raquel Welch, Age 70

Manolo answers, it is the Raquel Welch!

Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend the always delightful Rondi, who was first to correctly identify this week’s va-va-va-voomish personality of note.

P.S. This picture above is from last year, shortly before the Raquel Welch’s 70th birthday.