Manolo Social Media

Manolo says, please to click one below: Allow the Manolo to stipulate that if you are not following the Manolo on the Twitter, you are missing some of his better witticisms. Doctor Oz = Quack with a facelift and Oprah's secret cellphone number. — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 30, 2012 Instagram is down? Obviously, Facebook paid $1 billion dollars to implement evil plan to prevent people from posting photos of cupcakes — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 30, 2012 And bad taste. “@THR: 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Mansion Ravaged by Fire http://t.co/oAydWFLo” — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 30, 2012 Today…


Gio Diev Milo I & Milo II

Manolo says, here from the Gio Diev Spring/Summer 2012 collection comes the pair of witty, dramatic, architecturally interesting shoes, the Milo I in black, and the Milo II in red and white. All the Manolo can do is exclaim, in happy surprise, “Barbed Wire!” And now the question is, would you be bold enough to wear them?


Shoemaker Saturday: Doc Martens

Manolo says, watching the craftsmanship in these videos is absolutely mesmerizing. The Doc Marten’s 1460, yet another classic boot, from the classic boot maker.


On the Occasion of Katie Holmes Filing for Divorce: The Death Grip of Super Masculinity

Manolo says, the world of those who do not have eyes to see was rocked today when actress Katie Holmes filed for divorce from her husband of six years, the Tom Cruise. Of the course, for those of us who are attentive to the matters of body language, it was perhaps easy to see that all was not well from the beginning, for indeed, as the “romance” played out in public through 2005 and 2006, the Manolo noticed something strange, something he referred to as the… Death Grip of Super Masculinity! As the Manolo said at the time, it was…


The Friday Web Snob Links

Manolo says, here are the few amusing the few amusing things from the Manolo’s Web Snob friends. Second City Style knows it’s essential to curate the perfect swimwear ensemble that’s equal parts fashion and function in Runway To Real Way: Beach Blanket Bingo! Shopping and Info found the best Prada bags for the summer. The Beauty Stop gets nostalgic with Crayola nail polish. Stiletto Jungle picks the must-have items for a tropical vacation — the ones you didn’t know you needed. Would you get a lip tattoo like Ke$ha’s? See the photos at Allie is Wired. Show your Fourth-of-July love…


Zoolander was the Documentary

Manolo says, the life of the male model, it is nothing but glamour and blue steel… But, sometimes, all of the adulation, all of the women throwing themselves at you, it gets you down… And you think to yourself, “maybe I should have listened to my Uncle Morty, and become the actuary.”


Manolo the Columnist: Romana from Pikolinos

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My older sister booked a plum role in a local commercial and is heading to NYC to film it. She’s bringing me as her plus one so I need something that’s stylish yet sturdy since we will be sightseeing as well. Thanks! Eliza Manolo says, ayyyyy! Celebrity attained! Your sister is now officially one of the Hollywood glitterati, by which the Manolo means she is (briefly) the working actor! The Manolo, who counts many thespians among his close friends, knows the emotional toll…


Alexander McQueen 3D Flower Platform Wedge

Manolo says, here is the pair of Alexander McQueen platform wedges with the all natural, organic-y, leather detail that pushes it out of the ordinary and into our cold, urban hearts.


Manolo’s Thursday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which maybe perhaps amuse… He lived on the streets and in Central Park until he picked up work as a taxi dancer at Maxim’s Restaurant-Caberet, becoming a “tango pirate” and spending time on the dance floor with wealthy women who were willing to pay for the company of exotic young men. . First, you are going to sweat. . One prominent New York physician called it a “ridiculous and pernicious custom.” Others blamed it for the precipitous decline in Yankee morals.


Madonna Enters the Mae West Late Career Phase

Manolo says, when one attempts to trade upon one’s reputation for sex appeal well after the sell by date. By which the Manolo means, increasingly comic and grotesque displays of inappropriateness. To be clear, it is not the aging itself that is to be deplored, as aging is the natural consequence of life, but rather the unseemly chasing after of lost youth that causes us to avert our eyes from the spectacle. One need not give up love, or sexuality, simply because one ages, rather one must recognize that such things are to be expressed in the different manner; we…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer?

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Katie Holmes! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, the Maggie, who was the first to correctly identify this week’s person of celebrity.


Manolo’s Late Night Bargain: Burberry Sp-Sum 2012 Sandals

Manolo says, here is the handsome pair of the Burberry sandals, the exact sort of thing you would see down at the country club, on the feet of that toned, WASPy, blonde woman with the handsome blue-eyed children who excel squash. But look! It is on the sale, more than 40% off of the regular price! Soon, you, too, shall be able to call your eldest son “Biff” with impunity.