Olympic Gold Medalist Ryan Lochte Loves the Shoes!

Ryan Lochte Winged Shoes

Manolo says, 130 pairs of the shoes!

Mr. Lochte’s dream is to eventually become a clothing designer. “I want to be different, and fashion gives me that outlet to do that,” he said, lounging on a couch after a practice in loose basketball shorts, a T-shirt that read “Google Me” and black Dolce & Gabbana slippers. For public events, he steps it up: Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren have dressed him, and he was signed by Ford Models.


“Ho, I think I have about, a total of 130 pairs of shoes,” Mr. Lochte said, warming to the subject. “So you can say I like shoes.” (“Ho” is another Lochte-ism, kind of like the inverse of Homer Simpson’s “D’oh!”) For the Olympic trials this month, he plans to sport high tops with star-spangled wings, like an all-American Hermes. “Don’t duplicate!!” he wrote, posting a picture of them on Twitter.

While the Manolo admires the exuberant enthusiasm for the shoes…

Ryan Lochte Green Shoes

it is clear that these are shoes for those who desire to have what the “swag”.


Alicia + Olivia Larimore Cutout Platform for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, suffering from the Olympic hangover.

Originally, you had the big plans for the weekend — go to the market of the farmers, ride your bike in the park, do the laundry– but then, on the Friday night, you started watching the opening ceremony, and you were hooked. The next thing you know, you were avidly watching skeet shooting. (Oh, that Kim Rhode!)

By Sunday night it was clear that the Olympic marathon did not refer to the footrace, but to your concentrated television viewing. Indeed, you had barely turned off the tube of the boobs, sitting there in your comfortable chair in your Olympic sweat pants, the Olympic-sized bowl of snacks in one hand, the tiny American flag in the other. (How you cheered yourself hoarse at the preliminary round of the men’s beach volleyball.)

This morning, when you roused yourself from your Olympic stupor, dragged yourself into the kitchen and caught up on the overnight Olympic news. Even now, in the background of your web browser, you have open several pages of Olympic news and results, and are furiously typing the angry comment to some nitwit who thinks that the American women’s heavy 8 rowing team will not triumph.

The Manolo suggests you take the little break and look at some gold medal shoes…

Alicia+Olivia Larimore Cutout Metallic Platform Pump

Ayyyy! It is the Larimore Metallic Cutout Platform Pump from Alicia + Olivia


Shoemaker Saturday: Shoe Making in the 1930s

Manolo says, this silent color film is the remarkable artifact of shoemaking as done 80 years ago. What is most refreshing and happy-making is how little has changed over this time. Shoes, especially the best quality shoes, are still made in the same way, mostly by hand, with the help of durable machines of antique design.

Undoubtedly, some bright boy will soon enable the robots to entirely take over the making of the shoes, and we will be both richer and poorer for it.


Madonna: Keepin It Classy

Manolo says, behold, the two sides of Madonna, devilish and angelic


Resale value plummets the instant you drive it off the lot.

Showing us her wares, like the fallen Magdalene.


Help! Madonna has fallen and she can't get up!

Or, like the badger going back into its burrow

Writhing in divine ecstasy, like the holy mystic.


Manolo the Columnist: Authentic Saddle Shoes from Hush Puppies

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

This entire summer, my husband has insisted on wearing the same pair of sports mandals, despite the fact that they’ve grown shabby looking and smelly (something I did not know was possible for a sandal). With the end of summer approaching, can you recommend something casual that he might like? He’s moderately outdoorsy, and fit, and prefers khakis and plaids, in other words, he pretty typical.


Manolo says, the Manolo frequently gets the plaintive missives from the women who wish to restyle their men folk into something more put-together, something less sloppy, rustic, disastrous, and/or menacing

“Manolo,” they frequently cry out, “my husband dresses as if he were Larry the Cable Guy’s younger, messier brother. Please help.”

To which the Manolo can only reply, you cannot overnight change your man from the Tom Arnold into the Tom Selleck. You must work deliberately, and politely, using positive reinforcement and strategic praise

For the example, “Oh, honey, you look so much better since you stopped wearing buckskin and shaved off your Grizzly Adams beard. Like the handsome man I married.”

Or, “Darling, I’m so glad you finally threw out those too-small jeans with the hole in the seat. I’m just sorry it had to be the police who told you to do it. Here, I bought you this pair of styling, flat-front khakis.”

You must move your man slowly along the continuum of style, using the well-thought out gifts to nudge him gently in the direction you wish him to go. Start with the men’s casual shoes.

Here is the Hush Puppies Authentic Saddle Shoes, the American classic, one that any American man should be proud to wear.

Hush Puppies Authentic Saddle Shoe


Madonna’s New Truth or Dare Shoes are Boring & Derivative

Manolo says, the Manolo does not wish to be so cruel as to kick someone when they are down, but zzzzz

Madonnas Truth or Dare Shoes

Shoe designing is not easy, and yet other celebrities, such as the Jessica Simpson and the Carlos Santana(!) have been able (with professional help) to produce the decent looking shoes for the mass market.

Madonna has played it safe, predictable, with her blacks and grays and shapes we have seen before. She needs to introduce either the trendier colors, the unusual finishes, or the more daring shapes, probably all three. Since she she has none of these, there is nothing that especially distinguishes this collection except her celebrity.

It is yet more evidence that the Madonna needs to take the little break here. She needs to allow herself to recede from our consciousness for the next two to three years, and then come back in the more intimate, more surprising form. Perhaps “Madonna Unplugged”, playing in the smaller venues with the less bombastic material. Although, the Manolo is not sure that her talent is the sort that can stand apart from the spectacle.


The Hoop

Manolo says, amazing and wonderful!

Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes?

Helen Mirren Shoes

Manolo answers, it is the Helen Mirren!

Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, the Danna, who was the first to correctly guess this week’s super fantastic vintage personage of note.


The Chinese Fashion Police

Manolo says, wearers of mandals and Crocs, beware!

Clarice Satin Pump from Kate Spade for the Wedneday

Kate Spade Clarice PumpKate Spade Clarice Pump

Manolo says, this is how things sometimes work in the world of the Manolo: he is looking at the shoes, and suddenly, something catches his eye, and delights his fancy, and he is moved to cry hosanna and put it on the humble shoe blog for all to admire. Such is the case with this, the Clarice Satin Pump from the Kate Spade New York, the perfect shoe for the festive celebration where the bold color is required.