Manolo’s Tuesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things which may perhaps entertain… When my son was only a few months old I attended a wedding, and it never even entered my mind that I wouldn’t fit into my old heels. . Fifteen ridiculously patriotic celebrity outfits. . Yowayowa Camera Woman Diary


In Which the Manolo Considers the State of the World

Let us stipulate that, despite what Boing Boing tells you, if you are over 10 years old and you are building the Sistine Chapel out of Legos, or are recreating key scenes of Anna Karenina using Barbie dolls, you need to get the life. Our society no longer produces art for grownups, just endless mountains of disposable, derivative, infantile trash, which is then celebrated by disposable, derivative infants on the internet. “Isn’t that cool,” says the manchild from his mancave, as the interweb delivers yet one more piece of trivial flapdoodle. Once, men and women produced serious art filled with…


Shoe Personalities: Keen Newport H2

N.B. Psychologists have proven what we already know, shoes tell us much about the wearer… The Keen Newport H2, priced at $100. Manolo says, your name is Rick. Not Ricky, Rick, and you work as the engineer for one of the oil companies doing tolerance analysis, but that is not important. What is important is that you like to run. No, you love to run, really run. Ten, fifteen, twenty miles the day, much more on the weekends. Although you run the very respectable marathon times, you have this awkward gait that forces you, when you are in the race,…