Manolo the Columnist: 6614B from Belle by Sigerson Morrison

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

The advice you gave last week to the lady who wanted sandals for the end of summer struck a note with me, in that it started me thinking about the fall and what sort of shoes I should be wearing when it arrives. Can you recommend something both casual and somewhat on-trend for when the summer ends?


Manolo says, it is only natural, that we should all be desiring the end to this interminable summer of suffering, that we should be anticipating the arrival of more tolerable weather, which will bring with it the new season of clothing.

As for the major trends of this new season, the Manolo has been delighted by the rise of the lounge loafers (a.k.a the Belgian slippers) to stylishness.

How wonderful it is to see these ultra-comfortable shoes having their moment in the fashion spotlight, especially as we have recently been in the era of the 6-inch stiletto-heeled, ultra-narrow, high-fashion torture shoes.

It is as if all the smart girls got together, placed their Birkin bags on the sacrificial fire, and cried out, “Ouch! We implore you, fashion gods, please give us something that will not mutilate our toes.”

And from their aerie on Mount Louboutin, the fashion gods looked down upon their votaries and thundered, “So shall it be written. Bring back the lounge loafers.”

And the fashion girls shouted, “Huzzah!”

Here is the 6614B from the Belle by Sigerson Morrison, the lounge loafer with the kilim carpet pattern that makes it exactly exotic enough to impress your friends.

6114B  Flat Slipper from Belle by Sigerson Morrison