Manolo the Columnist: Angelfish from Sperry

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I have been invited to spend a weekend on a yacht off the coast of South Florida at the end of September, with my boss, my boss’ boss, a senior figure at a key client, and their spouses/significant others. I am the most junior of the group at age 26. Please help me find a Sperry-esque shoe that meets the rules of the boat (must have non-marking soles, preferably with some grip), and will demonstrate that I am a serious professional, yet still…


Beautiful and Rare

  …and each one is at least 70% off some seriously hefty (as in $1000+) price tags. These five unique offerings are available in extremely limited sizes, but if they’re your size and your style, you’re in luck. Salvatore Ferragamo Berg sculpted wedge sandal The question is not are they too Bianca Jagger; it’s are they Bianca Jagger *enough*? The sculpted precision of the cut-out keeps these bisque suede wedges from being just another pair of campy kicks. For an absolutely horrible variation on the curvilinear theme hop on over to the other blog to play Is It A Shoe?…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoe? Manolo answers, it is the Kristin Chenoweth! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, the Carole, who was the first to correctly guess this week’s celebrity personage of note.


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


What Miss Plumcake is…

It’s Tuesday, time to find out What Miss Plumcake is…


Manolo’s Monday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few amusing things… Bell Polisher = A young man addicted to lingering in the vestibule at 1 a.m. . They concern themselves entirely too much with making a huge splash, and not enough about the feelings of the person they wish to propose marriage to. . Women with larger busts and long or short torsos may find that high waistlines emphasize these features. Some will love that, some will hate it, some will be neutral …


Manolo the Columnist: York from Michael by Michael Kors

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I think I need a pair of new booties to go with my pink skinny jeans. What do you recommend? Karis Manolo says, yes, it is true, colorful panting— pink, green, yellow, red— is all the rage among the hipsters, fashionistas, and style setters. In fact the trend is so ubiquitous, that it is probably actually out, and we have just not gotten the news yet. But such is always the way when one chases to the trends, no? One minute, everyone in…


Fab Four: Green Suede Shoes (and how to clean them)

In the spirit of full disclosure, the Venn Diagram of “People Who Think Spangled and Be-Caped Polyester Jumpsuits Are a Good Idea” and “People from Whom Miss Plumcake Takes Sartorial Advice” does not see a great deal of overlapping. Still, as both Elvis and Carl Perkins –the artist responsible for writing the seminal rockabilly classic– know, there’s just something about a good pair of suede shoes. Blue is fine if a little expected, but greens from dusky olive to deep viridian are having a major moment this fall. Plus, green suede ages better blue does, where a bit of dirt…


The Hillary Clinton Pantsuit Rainbow

Manolo says, it is the the kandy-kolored tangerine-flake streamline Secretary of State!


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the Hillary Clinton! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend, the Lanzarote, who was the first to correctly identify this week’s bepantsuited celebrity politician of note.


Whose Shoes Wednesday

Manolo asks, whose shoes?


Meet Miss Plumcake

To begin at the beginning. Wait, no, that’s a little too much Dylan Thomas for the first day back after a long weekend, but it’s as good a place as any to start. Like Dylan Thomas, I am a writer full of whisky and Welsh blood, though not in such high concentrations. Unlike Dylan Thomas, I am both alive and sober, though it’s not quite noon and I’ve yet to make plans for the day. I’m Miss Plumcake, writer, editor and long-suffering troll starvation expert at Manolo for the Big Girl. Lured by the siren songs of lithe footballers, cheap…