Manolo the Columnist: Gem from Kors by Michael Kors
Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s column for the Express of the Washington Post.
0Dear Manolo,
My husband has just announced that we¹re going to Miami Beach right after vChristmas for a couple of weeks of fun. I need some new sandals that will work in an upscale resort sort of way. Please help.
Manolo says, ayyyy! The Manolo loves the Miami Beach, especially in the depths of the deepest winter when all of the roads in the Northeast are covered with the piles of the dirty icy slush, and all of the peoples are sullen and grey.
Then, it is the perfect time to escape to the South Florida, the sunny, Ron Rico-fueled land of pastel-colored madness and alligators, wherevoverly-tanned matrons in underly-clothed bikinis mingle with the sunburned Canadians who are squinting confusedly at that hot, bright orange ball of flames in the sky.
South Florida in the winter is the land of endless possibility; anything and everything can happen. One minute you are drinking the mai tais with the seven-feet tall Cuban drag queen, and the next you are riding the airboat through the swamps with the bearded man in the Dale, Jr cap who claims his actual given name is “Cooter Epstein”.
Yes, we are nearly 25 years down the road from the Miami Vice, but you still expect to see Don Johnson appear at any minute, with the sleeves of his white Armani jacket pushed up to his elbows.
Here is the Gem from the Kors by the Michael Kors, the golden flat sandal for the golden winter days and gilded nights of Miami Beach.
The formerly shoe-obsessed Wayne 11 years ago
I loooove these!!! Love to see warm-weather footwear in the winter!
Miriam Jones 11 years ago
Looks wonderful to wear in the summer!