Met Gala 2015: Charlie Chan Meets the Dragon Ladies!
Manolo says, Confucius say, museum who hold big party for fashion world, get trash on exhibits.
What ever you do, mortal, do no stare directly into the face of the Sarah Jessica Parker, lest ye be turned to stone.
Look! It is the Maggie Gyllenhaal, and she has come to the gala straight from the automat where she was restocking the sandwiches.
It is amazing what can be accomplished today with the animatronic technology. Still working on the artificial intelligence, though.
The Manolo can’t even… too much is going on here, for the example, there are the body parts that seem to be heading south for the winter, but are wrapped up as the Pennsylvania Dutch wedding gift. Please to explain?
In the truly just world, the Justin Beiber would, at this very instant, be getting the mother of all atomic wedgies.
Ayyy! Karen Elson is the bride at the Dagistani wedding!
Norman Bates brought his Mummie!
Query: When did the Katie Holmes become the Anna Wintour’s slutty little sister?
“Well, what are ya waitin’ for, sailor? A better offer?”
P.S. If you enjoyed this from the Manolo, you may also perhaps enjoy this blog about the food.
Pete 10 years ago
Heh, you said automat. Truly a classic post and it’s been too long since I’ve visited this blog. Like the food site as well.
Jacob 10 years ago
Maggie Gyllenhaal,I envy your confidence..
Mario Bertulli 10 years ago
I couldn’t recognize Katie Holmes! She is loooking better than she was in a couple with Tom Cruise
Ivane 10 years ago
Sarah Jessica Parker looks stunning!