The Perfect Stocking Stuffer for the Educated Shoe Lover

“Manolo’s erudition leads the reader on a humor-filled treasure hunt through oblique pop-culture references, quotes from Paradise Lost, the annals of European art history, and world culture.” — The Utne Reader Available from the New Pamphleteer.


The New Pamphleteer Interview

Manolo says, the Manolo’s friend David Bernstein of the New Pamphleteer is being interviewed at the Marimello blog, here is the excerpt in which your shoeblogging friend is praised. M: Why’d ya pick a fashion blogger like Manolo [the shoe blogger] (aside from the fact that he is genius complete)? What’s the submission process? DB: Manolo is the ideal example of what we look for in an author – a rich blend of talent, a strongly passionate connection with a loyal online audience, and a mischievous entrepreneurial streak. In the case of Manolo, he was one of the first authors…


The My Fashion Life Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend Michele at the wonderful blog My Fashion Life has said the nice things about the Manolo’s new work, The Consolation of the Shoes. The Consolation of the Shoes is a short and sweet illustration of the young Manolo’s love for the shoes. With brief references to some of the most important shoes in history, Manolo comes to a life changing conclusion. It’s a light hearted read and one which I recommend after a stressful day, preferably with a glass of rosé. I felt an odd sense of fulfilment by the end. Definitely a must…


The Acosta Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend the writer Marta Acosta, author of the Milagro de los Santos series comedic vampire books, has the few words to say about the Manolo’s new short work, The Consolation of the Shoes. The 48-page story is delightfully absurd, but it is far too affectionate to be considered a parody of Boethius’s The Consolation of Philosophy. (I’d call it an homage.) The writing is deft and graceful, a pleasure to read. I’m dying to know the true identity of this writer and hope that he will publish a novel soon. […] I’ve narrowed him down…


The Nokes Review

Manolo says, the Academics have finally gotten their hands on the Manolo’s short work The Consolation of the Shoes, here is part of the Professor Nokes’s review. The honest truth is that I thought the whole thing was a hoax. Manolo the Shoeblogger had, supposedly, written a book called The Consolation of Shoes, an obvious parody (homage?) to Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy. It even had an introduction by the deliciously over-the-top character Herr Professor Doktor Boethius von Korncrake. Then Manolo sent me a *.pdf copy of his book, and I’ll be darned if it isn’t a real thing: a book-length…


The NormBlog Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend the Linda Grant has written the very glowing recommendation for The Consolation of the Shoes at the NormBlog. Here is the excerpt. I will just commend The Consolation of The Shoes as the perfect pocket book, to be kept about one’s person when one inclines to lofty philosophical thoughts which are nonetheless rooted in the reality of our own flawed humanity. Coming from the accomplished writer such as the Linda, such words are as the Balm of Gilead to the Manolo’s soul.


The BagSnob Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend the Tina at the indispensable BagSnob has written the most glowing review of the Manolo’s The Consolation of the Shoes. His facetious wit is ever present and you will be thoroughly entertained by tales of young Manolo’s humble beginnings and his search for the miraculous shoes of heaven. His words leave an indelible impression on the mind and I found myself returning to them often after reading the book, giggling to myself at the memory they bring forth. As always the Manolo is both grateful and humbled by such praise.


The Jewlery Weblog Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend the Tammy at the Jewelry Weblog has reviewed the Manolo’s new work, The Consolation of the Shoes. Honestly, I’m not sure what I expected. Some of his hilarious jabs at David Hasselhoff? Perhaps a book of shoe etiquette? No, none of these. Instead I was given a glimpse into the Manolo, or at least, the Manolo of the past, and served a surprisingly poignant narrative. The book of shoe etiquette? This sounds to the Manolo like the very good ides. In the meanwhile, please go read the entire review and visit the always amusing…


The Consolation of the Shoes

“…indispensable reading, stunningly witty and hugely informative.” Roger L. Simon “…a must for writers seeking inspiration and motivation.” The Rouge Wave “Revelations spring out of Manolo’s variegated and amusing prose like rare resplendent orchid flowers from the luxuriant tropical vegetation…” Shoesense “Manolo’s erudition leads the reader on a humor-filled treasure hunt through oblique pop-culture references, quotes from Paradise Lost, the annals of European art history, and world culture.” The Utne Reader Manolo asks, what are you waiting for? Please go buy the copy of the Consolation of the Shoes, it is only $6 of the American dollars.


The Pajama’s Media Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s friend Roger L. Simon, CEO of the Pajamas Media has reviewed the Manolo’s new work, The Consolation of the Shoes. The Manolo, on his blog, could teach us style and decorum, observe our culture, sell shoes and be funny all at the same time. It was a tap dance he continued to carry off, to my amazement, from week to week. I wondered if he could expand this into longer forms. Now I know. The Consolation of The Shoes is an attempt to explain The Manolo without explaining him, if you know what I mean, and…


The Rouge Wave Review

Manolo says, here is the review of the Manolo’s new work The Consolation of the Shoes posted at the screenwriting blog The Rouge Wave. You don’t have to have a fascination with shoes to enjoy the cultural and literary phenomena that is Manolo the Shoeblogger. Manolo embodies a certain fabulousity, a verbal elasticity and a post, post-Grey Gardens je ne sais quoi for word lovers and shoe lovers alike. Published by the New Pamphleteer, The Consolation of the Shoes is a must for writers seeking inspiration and motivation. Nobody writes the way Manolo does; he stands as a beacon for…