The Manolo in Chile

Manolo says, for those friends of the Manolo who still sometimes cry out in the night, “why are we no longer being shown the shoes of super fantasticness,” who occasionally in the odd moment wonder what is happening with their old internet friend the Manolo, well, here is update. For the next few months, the Manolo has forsaken his usual haunts for the muy dramático landscapes and muy dinámico cityscapes of Santiago de Chile. And, sadly, he must again report that the Chilenos are no more stylish than the last time the Manolo was here. The Chilenos, they are increasing…


Merry Christmas!

Manolo says, Merry Christmas! The Manolo wishes you the most super fantastic of holidays, warm and happy, with friends and family, good food and wonderful gifts!


Manolo in the Daily Dot

Manolo says, in case you missed this, last week, the Manolo wrote the small piece for the Daily Dot website about the pernicious effects of the fancy food blogs… It is all because of the deleterious effects of the food blogs that early this morning you had to make the special trip to that hipster butcher shop, you know the one with the nice young men who have the arms full of tattoos and wear the ironic handlebar mustachios. Unfortunately, because of the food blogs, you had no choice. You had to pick up the organic, pastured, free-range, eighteen-pound heirloom…


Eight Years of Shoeblogging!

Manolo says, on this day eight years ago, October 16th, 2004, the Manolo began his earthly mission of bringing the beauty and magic of the shoes to the internets. And now, nearly the decade later, the world has changed, and beautiful shoes are everywhere, all over of the internets, the shops, the runways, and the streets. Shoes have been finally and universally recognized as the greatest and bestest fashion accessory of all time. To put it more plainly: We are living in the Golden Ages of Shoes. What joy it gives the Manolo to know that he has done his…


The Manolo on the Go

Manolo says, dear friends, apologies from the Manolo for the paucity of the posting. He is on the road today. Later this evening, he will post something entertaining. Please forgive.


In Which the Manolo is Blocked by the Roseanne Barr

Manolo says, the exchange from the Twitter of the Manolo. http://twitter.com/TheRealRoseanne/status/221670260959490049 Papist Law? Facepalm. RT @TheRealRoseanne: Pope owns every soul on earth according 2Papist Law — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) July 7, 2012 .@TheRealRoseanne History of the word "Papist" = http://t.co/jsjHtbks — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) July 7, 2012 You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user. Ayyyyy!


In Which the Manolo Considers the State of the World

Let us stipulate that, despite what Boing Boing tells you, if you are over 10 years old and you are building the Sistine Chapel out of Legos, or are recreating key scenes of Anna Karenina using Barbie dolls, you need to get the life. Our society no longer produces art for grownups, just endless mountains of disposable, derivative, infantile trash, which is then celebrated by disposable, derivative infants on the internet. “Isn’t that cool,” says the manchild from his mancave, as the interweb delivers yet one more piece of trivial flapdoodle. Once, men and women produced serious art filled with…


Manolo Social Media

Manolo says, please to click one below: Allow the Manolo to stipulate that if you are not following the Manolo on the Twitter, you are missing some of his better witticisms. Doctor Oz = Quack with a facelift and Oprah's secret cellphone number. — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 30, 2012 Instagram is down? Obviously, Facebook paid $1 billion dollars to implement evil plan to prevent people from posting photos of cupcakes — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 30, 2012 And bad taste. “@THR: 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Mansion Ravaged by Fire http://t.co/oAydWFLo” — Manolo Shoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 30, 2012 Today…


Guest Posting at the Shoe Blog of the Manolo

Manolo says, now that the Manolo has revived his formerly semi-moribund shoe blog, he would like to invite his internet friends to consider contributing the guest post or two. It does not matter if you are the fashion blogger, or the non-blogger, the Manolo would love to see what his internet friends have to say about such topics as shoes, runway trends, shoes, fashion history, shoes, celebrity misadventure, shoes, indeed almost any topic that is not overtly political, or overly controversial. All the Manolo asks is that the contribution be thoughtful and moderately entertaining to his readers. If you would…


Manolo Social Media

Manolo says, Look! Social Media! P.S. If you are not following the Manolo on the twitter, here is some of what you are missing: Hey! I’m Still Alive! by Nicole RichieRT @shefinds: Nicole Richie Is Launching Her First Fragrance This Fall! — ManoloShoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 22, 2012 Lindsay Lohan playing Elizabeth Taylor?This is like showing the Manolo the postcard of the car crash and saying it is the Mona Lisa. — ManoloShoeblogger (@ShoeBlogger) June 22, 2012 Larry Ellison just bought th tropical island? Is the volcano already hollowed out, or wll he have to install the super villain lair himself?…


Manolo Social Media

Manolo says, the Manolo politely reminds you that he maintains the online presence on several of the most modern social media platforms. For the example… The Manolo would take is as the great favor if you were to “like” his humble shoe blog on the Facebook. Likewise, the Manolo shares some of his more ephemeral thoughts through out the day at his Twitter feed, to which you may wish to subscribe. Additionally, the Manolo sometimes fiddles around with the Tumblr thingy and the Pinterest whatzit, pinning the pictures and tumbling the quotations that capture his fancy. As you may have…


Internet Famous!

Manolo says, apparently, the Manolo is famous in Romania! Cel mai celebru blogger anonim al momentului este „Manolo the Shoe Blogger“. Nimeni nu ÅŸtie cum arată, de unde vine sau ce vârstă/culoare are dar se presupune că este latino-american. A mărturisit într-un interviu că a locuit în Argentina ÅŸi îşi încheie e-mail-urile cu „Besos“. Manolo, oricine ar fi el cu adevărat, a reuÅŸit să-ÅŸi construiască un personaj hazliu de tip bufon care nu-i va plictisi prea curând pe miile de cititori strânÅŸi din 2004 încoace. Marca sa înregistrată: folosirea articolului hotărât „the“ în faÅ£a numelor de persoane ÅŸi vorbirea la…