The One That Got Away

When I started curating my shoe collection nearly a decade ago –when Lacroix still had his atelier, Gaultier was CD for Hermès and Muccia Prada’s current models were still fetuses instead of just practically ones– I did so with the knowledge that someday the newspaper gravy train, where I was raking in tens of dollars a month, would end. I bought carefully and within my means, bringing home a pair of new lovelies only if I could pay cash and was confident they’d be just as stylish thirty years from the moment I stood, insidey parts all a-tingle, at the…


Miuccia is Our Muse

Manolo says, Ayyyyy! Cutest ever!


The Pope Does Not Wear Prada

Manolo says, despite rumors to the contrary, the Pope does not wear the Prada. The pontiff has been hailed as a “style icon” since his election just over three years ago and speculation has been rife that he enjoys designer clothes. Attention has focused not only on his often elaborate headgear and fashionable sunglasses but also on his dainty red shoes, or moccasins, widely assumed to be made by Prada. However L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, categorically denied reports today that the shoes were a Prada product, saying this was “of course false”. According to Vatican sources the Pope’s shoes…


Miu Miu Dumb Dumb

Manolo says, it is not often the Manolo forcefully decries something from the hand of his muse, Miuccia Prada, but this kitten-heel flex pump from Miu Miu is just such the item. There is no other way to describe this, except, it is just dumb. Yes, undoubtedly in the wonderfully original and byzantine mind of Miuccia Prada, there is some sort of conceptual-y, ironic-y, post-modern-y thing going on, but here, in the execution of this idea, there is only dumbness. This shoe could only be worn by the grossest of congenitally ignorant attention seekers. (Insert name of Hollywood starlet here.)…


Prada Spring-Summer 2008

Manolo says, speaking of the Miuccia and her ways, the Manolo could not help but notice that the latest Prada show in Milan presented shoes that swerved wildly away from the previous look. Remember those beautiful, restrained, and unusual Prada sfumato shoes which we were all so recently praising? These are emphatically different… Organic and whimsical, these shoes are not unpleasing, although they have perhaps too much of the Magical Shoe Fairy Cottage about them for the taste of the Manolo. However, he appreciates the effort. More to his taste are these colorful shoes below…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is our muse, Miuccia! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend Miranda, who was the first to guess whose shoes. She is adorable, and those calves are so muscular!


The Paradox of Not Caring

Manolo says, the Sunday Times of the London they have the article about our muse the Miuccia Prada, published under the title In Praise of Modesty. Here is the excerpt. If there is a fashion pioneer living today, it is Miuccia Prada. Her vision of the modern woman totally changed our attitude to sex and how we dress it up. She is fashion’s great provocateur, and when she sends models down the catwalk wearing sheer blouses buttoned severely to the neck, or black capes worn over beige shirts, or with belts pulled tightly round cardigans and socks up to the…


Miuccia Speaks of the Clothes

Manolo says, the Miuccia she has unveiled her spring/summer men’s collection for the 2006, and the beautiful Samurai Suzy she has passed the judgement…it is the triumph! In her fresh, clean-cut show and in her wise words, Miuccia Prada put into perspective the malaise pervading high fashion menswear, which other Italian designers have tried to face off with vivid color and graphic pattern for summer 2006. “Fashion should become more egalitarian. I am not interested in dealing with a few sophisticated people,” Prada said. “Crisscrossing everything is the main issue: the need to face the huge world and to appeal…


Less Skin

Manolo says, look at this story! Hip-hugging jeans and tight-fitting tiny tops are out. Less skin is back in for the young American. U.S. fashion experts say a trend toward modesty is evident in new fall styles for clothing aimed at girls in their early teens, and will become more common with spring 2006 designs. “We’re seeing skirt hemlines that are at the knee and are very demure, very proper pants, prim tops and large pearl necklaces,” said Gloria Baume, fashion market director for Teen Vogue. The magazine showcases fashion and photography much like its parent publication Vogue. Baume, who…


Prada Shoe Trick

Manolo says, Ayyyyyyy! The Manolo he must have this! P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend the Wendy for pointing the Manolo to this. There is no question that she is indeed super fantastic.


Interview With the Miuccia

Manolo says, the Manolo he does not read the GQ, as it encourages the men to take up the peacocky fashion, however, this month the Manolo he has made the exception, as this issue it includes the interview with the Miuccia. Here is the excerpt: GQ: You know that show Sex and the City? MP: Embarrassing! I was thinking New York is like that. I have the impression that the people are like that–the women, the bitchiness. GQ: The thing is, too many women see that show and they think that’s how their life should be. Rather than create their…


Prada in Milan

Manolo says, over at the Manolo’s Prada Blog the Manolo he has begun to post some of the pictures (along with the Manolo’s commentary) from the Miuccia’s fall fashion show in the Milan today. Of the course, more it will follow over the next several days, as this show it is digested and evaluated by the Manolo.